Best friends

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As you probably assume, I had never had a kiss. Neither had I ever imagined how a kiss would be or how it would work. So this was a completely new experience for me.

Blake's lips were on mine. First nobody of us moved. It was only his lips on mine and my surprise.

Then he moved his hand and touched my cheek. Now he began to kiss me. Even though it was a feeling I was absolutely not used to I kind of liked it. My heart beat faster by his moves, if it still was possible.

My numbness of the panic attack was gone. The kiss felt good to be honest and therefore I tried to kiss him back even though I had no clue how I had to move my lips. I just did what felt good and right.

I could hear Blake was breathing a little bit heavier as he made a short break. "Don't forget to breathe." He whispered.

Ah yes... I still hadn't breathed since the panic attack. I sharply breathed in the air and tried to breathe normally. It worked more or less.

The unlocking doors of the car brought us back to reality. Blake who was almost over me rushed back to his place and tried to look like nothing had happened.

Did the others see us?!

I looked out of the windows to see if Reece or Eva had watched us. But they still seemed to be deep in their conversation and hadn't even looked in our direction.

As I tried to calm my heart down George appeared as well and opened Blake's door to climb over him to his place. He looked at me, then at Blake and asked, "Did something happen?"

Jesus, he hadn't seen us. I was relieved.
But wait - did we look like something had happened?

"No. Why?" Blake answered completely calm and casually. How did he manage that?

"Nevermind." George answered with a silent smile on his lips.

Then Reece and Eva finally came back.

"It's hot in here." Reece pointed out as he finally sat on his place and started the engine.

"Yeah it is!" Eva and George answered.

Well, I didn't find it hot, therefore I shrugged my shoulders. I looked at Blake and I wasn't sure if his cheeks had already been a bit red since we had kissed. He looked with a mad expression on his face out of the window. What was wrong? They couldn't assume that Blake and I had kissed or something, could they?

"Well, you can turn on the air conditioner if you want." I suggested.

Eva and Reece giggled and I could see how George pressed his lips together to suppress a smile as well.

Eva turned the air conditioner on.

"So what did happen as we were absent?" Eva asked.

"Nothing? Why are you asking?" It sounded more like a question as I said it.

"Uh I'm just wondering." Eva said with a strange undertone in her voice.

Okay maybe they guessed it. But as soon as they hadn't have a proof I could deny anything.

"Wondering about what?" I asked innocently.

"Blake's cheeks have a different color, haven't they?" She said provoking.

"Ah yes they have. Is everything alright Blake?" George asked him. But he didn't really sound concerned.

Blake turned his head in slow motion. Then he spat, "It was alright until you asked. Thanks for caring." Then he turned his head away again and laid his chin on his hand, watching the trees and pedestrians next to the street.

The fact that "Kiss you" by One Direction came on the radio as Reece turned it on didn't make Blake feel better. Neither did it to me even though I liked that song.

She made it even worse as Eva joined the band and sang along.

"Baby, be mine tonight, mine tonight
Baby, be mine tonight yeah

And if you
You want me to
Let's make a move yeah

So tell me girl if every time we touch
You get this kind of rush
Baby, say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah"

Reece and George joined as well and made strange dance moves with their arms. In every other situation probably would have joined them as well but this time it was just so awkward. I felt like my cheeks turned red as well and I turned my head away just like Blake so that the others hopefully wouldn't notice it. The situation was so embarrassing.

And it didn't become better. The whole journey they made awkward comments and now I was sure that they had seen us kissing. It was so embarrassing.

Blake's mood got worse as well. We didn't even dare to look at each other, otherwise our friends would have made a joke out of it.

Meanwhile I watched Reece and Eva as they made a very good team and seemed to fit perfectly. Maybe they didn't notice that they became closer while they always mentioned Blake and me "being so close".

The problem was that they all had no clue what the circumstances had been. Blake hadn't kissed me because of love. He had kissed me to distract me from the locked car. And this had been the only reason. Hadn't it?

However, the day was very long and I was glad as we arrived at home and I could finally disappear into my room, alone.

It didn't take long until someone knocked at my door, hesitantly and very quietly. "Who is it?" I asked.

"It's me." Blake answered.

"Come in." I replied.

Blake opened the door slowly and before he came in he said "We need to talk."

Nikes - A Blake Richardson (New Hope Club) FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now