Blood In The Water

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Magnus stood in front of his full length mirror judging his first day of school outfit. It will have to do or else he was going to be late to his first class: Criminal Law 101. He turned to Chairman Meow who was curled up on his bed.

"What do you think, Chairman?" his cat meowed, and Magnus took that as a 'you look really good'. Magnus picked up his messenger bag and took one final look in the mirror. "Let's do this." He locked his door and headed toward the building that Alec had pointed out to him yesterday. As he entered the building he was hit with a blast of air conditioning. At least it wasn't boiling hot in here. Making his way to the class, he noticed Malcolm standing by the doorway looking at a paper. This was his chance. Magnus pretended not to notice him, and as he walked past him, he bumped shoulders with him.

"Magnus?" Malcolm asked. He spun around with a look of shock.

"Malcolm? I totally forgot you go here!" he said. Malcolm looked surprised and very confused.

"Are you here to see me?"

"No, I go here." he said matter-o-factly.

"You got into Harvard?" he questioned slowly.

"What? Like it's hard?" With that Magnus walked into Professor Morgenstern's class and sat in the front row. Malcolm soon followed suit and sat a in the row behind him. Magnus smiled to himself. This was going to be easy. A few minutes later the classroom doors bursted open, and the professor strolled in, followed by Alec Lightwood.

"The moment you choose a law carrier, you're bound to hear that joke, 'a lawyer is a shark'." The teacher began. "Ignore that, it's simplistic and it's dumb. Only some of you will turn out sharks. The rest of you, are chum. Our topic is Blood In The Water. Children it's time you that you learn that law school is a waste of time and money, unless, you acquire a taste for blood in the water." Magnus made a face at the analogy. Alec rolled his eyes slightly, as he walked behind the professor, and took a seat on the chair next to Morgenstern's desk.

"Mr. Lewis." the Professor called out looking at his attendance list. Behind Magnus, a few rows up, he noticed the brown haired boy from the day in the quad. "Hypothetical question. Would you be willing to defend the following banker accused of fraud." he took a pause to think. "A kind old grandma took her savings, everything she saved since she was born, and she sent it to your client. He told her he would invest it but instead he spent it on prostitutes and heroin." Simon took a little time to answer but he did eventually say,

"No, I would not take that case."

"Wrong!" Morgenstern shouted. "This one's a win unless you're lazy. Granny's broke, so she'll have some guy from Legal Aid! Put her on the stand and call her crazy and old, and your guy goes free." he explained. "Look for the blood in the water, ladies and gentlemen!" Morgenstern walked up the aisle of desks.

"Miss Penhallow." Helen raised her hand and he walked towards her. "Hypothetical question as well. Would you be the right lawyer for the following client. Say that the court offers you a lot of money to defend a famous hit man for the mafia. While he was out, he seems he missed his target and killed a nun then drove away, while running over three cute puppies in the street."

"What, you think I wouldn't defend him just because he's a typical man?" Helen said.

"Oh, you lesbians think you're so tough." Helen's face turned red with anger at his statement.


"See! My comment has offended you! Isn't it hard to argue when you're too mad to speak? You will be fired very quickly when they see how your emotions make you weak." The class sat frozen at his bluntness. Magnus shifted in his seat, and glanced at Alec. Alec looked at him, and they seemed to both be staring at each other. Magnus made a face at what the professor said, and Alec just rolled his eyes letting him know not to take it seriously.

"What's my point you may all be wondering? Well, I run a billion dollar law firm and I hire four new interns every year. I will pick four young students whom I respect from this class. And those four will have a guaranteed career. Do you all follow?" The class nodded. "Good. So what do I want to see?"

"Blood in the water." some people mumbled.

"Exactly! Now let's get to work." He looked at his clipboard. "Mr. Bane?" he called out.

"Yes?" Magnus responded. Morgenstern looked up, and walked to where he was sitting.

"Can you summarize the case of State of Indiana vs. Hurn from the assigned reading?"

"Who assigns reading for the first day of class?" Magnus asked with a laugh. Morgenstern raised his eyebrows, and pressed his lips together, as if studying Magnus.

"You have guts Mr. Bane." He went silent after that and then suddenly he shouted, "Miss Blackthorn!" A girl a few seats away from him raised her hand.

"Yes sir!" she said. Magnus looked at her and realized it was the girl who was handing out the schedules the other day.

"Let's say you teach a class at Harvard Law School, a job you are very proud about, but a boy you called upon hasn't done the assigned readings. Should you let it go or—"

"I'd throw him out." she said flashing a wicked smile at Magnus.

"Okay then." he turned back to Magnus. "You heard your classmate. So you are dismissed from class, and you can come back when you've done all your assigned readings." Magnus' jaw dropped slightly. He flashed a look of plea at Alec, who too look shocked. Alec gave him a pitiful look that said, "I don't think I can do anything to help you. I'm sorry." Magnus picked up his bag, and left the class feeling embarrassed and belittled. 

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