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When Magnus finally found a salon, he was the happiest person despite what had just happened. He parked the car, and basically ran inside. He looked around, and noticed a nail artist sitting at her manicure station with no customer. He walked over to her. She was pretty with blonde hair that was almost white and really beautiful light blue eyes.

"Are you opened?" he asked her. The girl looked up and smiled.

"Have a seat." The girl began to work on his nails. "Bad day?"

"You can't even imagine." he sighed.


" I worked really hard to get into law school. I didn't go to any parties, not even during spring break, to study for the LSATs. I neglected my duties as homecoming king, all so I could get my boyfriend Malcolm back, and now he's dating this awful girl Annabelle so it was all for nothing! Ugh, I wish I had never come to Harvard." Magnus ranted. The girl began to dry his hands.

"And after you went through all that trouble." she shook her head.

"Well, what am I supposed to do? He's engaged! Now that girl has him wrapped around her boney, unpolished finger!" Magnus asked the girl.

"You're asking the wrong girl. So what does this girl Annabelle have that you don't?"

"She's from England and his Country Club."

"Is she hotter than you?"

"I'm not hot...I'm genetically blessed." Magnus corrected her. The girl rolled her eyes, in a way that reminded him of Clary. " She could use some mascara and some highlights, but she not completely unfortunate-looking."

"And this Malcolm guy, he's the one?"

"One hundred percent. I love him. What about you...I'm sorry I don't know your name."


"Well, what about you Cat?"

"I'm not with anybody."

"Why not, you're pretty."

"I used to be with this guy, who I only dated because he said he was from Ireland. I really love Ireland. Anyways, I lived with him for ten years, but he dumped me for some girl named Kayla."

"That's an asshole move. What about now? There must be someone that's caught your eye?"

"Not really. If if there was, I wouldn't know how to get their attention."

"It's not hard, you just have to believe in the power that a female has over a straight man." She rolled her eyes, and finished his nails. When she was done, Magnus paid her, and as she handed him the receipt, Cat said,

"If someone like you can't win back your true love, then there's no hope for the rest of us. Go steal that bastard back."

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