There! Right There!: Part One

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When Magnus arrived at the court on the third day of the trail, everyone was waiting just outside the doors to enter. Spotting Alec, he made he way over to him. Alec looked worried, and tired.

"Darling you look good." Magnus said commenting on his new suit, but Alec ignored his compliment.

"We're going to lose, Magnus. Today they're going to put a testifier on the stand, and without that alibi..." Magnus took Alec by the shoulders.

"Hey. We're going to win. Okay?" Alec sighed and nodded. "Shall we go in?" Magnus said as the doors opened. Alec nodded again, and they walked in side by side, all the way to the defendant's table. Once Alec was seated, he and Morgenstern automatically started to whisper to each other as they took out all their papers from their briefcases. Magnus sat down behind Alec in the audience's section next to Malcolm, Annabelle, and Helen. Soon later the audience seating began to fill up, and Magnus recognized a lot of them. Simon was there, so were a few other kids from class where there as well. The courtroom doors closed, and a Tessa walked in, handcuffed. The guard sat her down next to Alec, who was in between Tessa and Morgenstern. He unhand cuffed her, and she turned around to Magnus, who she motioned to move closer. He slid over into the seat one over until he was behind Tessa..

"Hottie alert." she said nodding towards Alec. "Since when did he start dressing so sharp?"

"I took him shopping." Magnus explained to her.

"How's today looking?" she asked. Magnus didn't want to worry her, so he flashed her his signature smile, and she must have bought it because she leaned back in her chair, as if there was nothing to fear. Actually there was a lot to fear, she could easily be sentenced to life time if it all goes poorly today. Magnus moved back to his seat, and the judged walked out and the courtroom rose. He motioned for everyone to sit back down, and he began to speak. An hour into the trial the defence had placed the Herondale's Pool Boy on the stand and had been interrogating him for most of the morning.

"Please clarify, your duties as Pool Boy once again, Mr. Santiago."

"Cleaning the pool." Raphael Santiago said once again.

"So Mr. Santiago can you explain to the court what exhibit A is?" the lawyer asked holding up a plastic bag with a speedo in it.

"That was my uniform." he explained. The audience members made a face. Magnus made a face too, but only because the colour so obviously didn't match Raphael's skin tone.

"And was it Teresa Herondale's idea to make you wear the uniform?" she asked, pacing.


"And could you explain to the court what your relationship was with the defendant?" she demanded. Raphael leaned forward.

"Tessa and I were lovers." the audience gasped and Alec, Morgenstern, Magnus and the rest of the interns turned to her.

"He was your lover!?" Morgenstern asked, angry that she didn't tell anyone. Tessa looked just as shocked by the statement.

"Of course not! I would never sleep with a man in thong! I just liked watching him clean the filters." she admitted shamefully. Morgenstern groaned.

"You are all making me look like an ass up there." He stood up, and walked towards the judge. "Your honour, I request a ten minute recess."

"Granted." Judge Aldertree said with a hit of his gavel.

"Why didn't I know about this disaster?" he asked Alec, when he returned to the table.

"It's just a setback." Alec said trying to calm him down.

"A setback? Alexander this is motive!" Morgenstern said stressed out. Magnus' had to get out of the environment. Alec was panicking, Morgenstern was stressed, Tessa was embarrassed, and Magnus couldn't handle any of it. He needed a drink of water. Excusing himself from the courtroom, he stood in line for the fountain. Just as he was about to use it, Raphael Santiago cut in front of him. Magnus crossed his arms, and tapped his foot impatiently, causing Raphael to turn around.

"Don't stomp your last season Prada shoes at me honey." he said sassily, before retreating into the courtroom.

"They're not last season." he muttered before coming to a realization. He looked back to Raphael walking into the court, then at his shoes. He ran into the courtroom. Magnus tapped Alec on the shoulder. He turned around.

"He's gay!"

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