There! Right There!: Part Two

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"Who?" Alec asked, tilting his head.

"Raphael! He's gay!" Magnus whisper-shouted.


"Look." Magnus looked around the courtroom. "Simon!" the boy jolted, and looked frantically over to Magnus who had shouted his name. Magnus motioned for him to come over, so he did. "Simon, what kind of shoes are these?" he asked pointing to his Prada's. Simon looked at him nervously.

"Black ones?" he answered. Magnus' smile grew bigger.

"See!" Magnus shouted. Morgenstern, who hadn't been paying attention turned around. "He's gay, he's not really Tessa's lover. He's making it up!"

"How do you know this?" Alec asked trying to follow along. Magnus rolled his eyes.

"Any man who's gay knows designers."

"I don't." Alec said. Magnus paused. Alec realized what he had said and froze. Alec was gay? Magnus didn't have time to delve into that conversation now, so he got back on topic.

"Yeah okay, fine, but you don't count. You're one in a million. Look," Magnus turned to Malcolm. "What kind of shoes are these?"

"Prada, and you should update your closet, Mags. Those are last season." Malcolm replied. Magnus ignored the last part, and looked at Morgenstern.

"While I appreciate your legal theory, I have a murder trial to attend to." he said at Magnus, before turning to Alec. "Alec." he warned pointedly.

"Okay." Alec said. Alec leaned in towards Magnus and he whispered. "I'll take care of it." Magnus nodded and smiled at Alec's trust in him.

"Court come to order!" Aldertree shouted, and everyone took their seats again. Morgenstern stood up and walked over to Raphael.

"Mr. Santiago, do you have any proof that you and Mrs. Herondale were having an affair?"

"Only the love in my heart." Magnus rolled his eyes, and by the looks of it, so did everyone else.

"If that's all the proof that he has, then your honour, I think I'm done here." Morgenstern said with a smile, as he walked back, Alec stood up.

"I'd like to ask a few questions your honour." Morgenstern looked at him.

"What are you doing?" he mouthed at Alec. Alec didn't answer instead he walked over to Raphael.

"Mr. Santiago. This alleged affair with Mrs. Herondale has been going on for...?"

"Two years."

"And your first name is...?"


"And your boyfriend's name is...?"

"Ragnor." Everyone gasped, and Magnus grinned.

"Right." Alec smiled.

"SILENCE IN MY COURTROOM!" Aldertree demanded, banging his gavel. Alec sat back down, and turned to Magnus. He smiled. Magnus returned it with a wink, and the judge began to speak again, calling the trail on hold until tomorrow. It may have been only noon, but everyone head back to Morgenstern's office on campus to have champagne.

"I am aware that we have yet to win the case, but here's to Alec who turned the case around and for breaking down the Pool Boy. Cheers!" every cheers, but Alec stopped everyone.

"I have to share this victory with Magnus." he said holding his glass up towards Magnus.

"To Alec, and I can't believe I'm saying this but, to Magnus." Helen said raising her glass. Everyone repeated her toast, and took a sip of their drink.

"Since when did a finely tuned gaydar count as a legal victory?" Malcolm asked.

"Without that gaydar, we wouldn't be celebrating with champagne, we'd be dead in the water." Morgenstern said, walking towards Magnus. "Magnus Bane trusts his gut and has shown more legal smarts then most of my staff. He won this round making him a good lawyer, and although we'd still love to hear that alibi, by keeping it he's never compromised his client's trust therefore making him a great one." Morgenstern lectured, with a smile towards Magnus. He turned to Malcolm. "Which is more than I can say for you, Fade. So make yourself useful and go get me a coffee."

"But we're drink champagne?"

"Splenda, and cream." Morgenstern said sternly. Malcolm put down his glass and left the office. "As for the rest of you," he turned to face the group. "go home, get a good night's sleep. I need you all sharp tomorrow morning." Everyone placed their glasses down, and began to leave.

"Magnus can we talk?" Alec asked a little nervously.

"Sure. Let's go to my dorm." As they went to leave Morgenstern stopped Magnus.

"Mr. Bane may I have a word?"

"Of course." he turned around and walked back in. Alec who had been walking out with him, said,

"I'll wait for you at your dorm." Magnus nodded in agreement, and he left.

"Thank you, Professor Morgenstern for what you said before. It meant a lot to me."

"Well you deserved it. And don't tell the other law students. I have a scary reputation to uphold." he said jokingly. Magnus laughed.

"Don't worry your secret is safe with me." Morgenstern walked to his desk, and sat down on top of it. He patted the spot next to him. Magnus walked over and sat down. "I really do appreciate this opportunity to work with you. I've learned so much."

"What you've learned isn't the point." Morgenstern said. Magnus looked at him confused. "You have instincts and instincts, be it legal or otherwise, can't be taught. Trust your instincts..." Morgenstern said. Magnus looked up at him, and when he did, Morgenstern grabbed Magnus by the face and kissed him. Morgenstern slid off the desk, and pinned Magnus to the table with his legs. Magnus struggled for a second, his heart racing. He managed to pushed him off, and slapped him. He was breathing heavily and he stepped away putting a good distance between him and his teacher.

"I thought you were smarter then that." Morgenstern said rubbing his face.

"Is this that only reason you gave me the internship?" he asked wrapping his arms around himself and taking a few more steps backwards, towards the door. Morgenstern pressed his lips together.

"It's been nice working with you Mr. Bane. You can show yourself out." Magnus backed away, never taking his eyes off of Morgenstern, until he was outside the door. Turning around, he noticed Annabelle and Malcolm who had witnessed the whole thing.

"So that's how you got the internship." Malcolm said. "You sleeping with the teacher doesn't prove you're serious, it proves you're a slut."

"Shut up Malcolm." Annabelle said to her fiance. Malcolm just shook his head at Magnus, and walked away. Annabelle opened her mouth, but Magnus didn't say anything, he just ran away.

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