Bend And Snap

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"There you go." Cat said, tightening the lid of the nail polish. "Now you're ready for your big trial tomorrow! Are you sure you don't want me to paint little gavel's on them for you?" she said, and Magnus couldn't tell if she was joking or not.

"No, I think that'd be too much." Cat nodded, and held up his hand in the light.

"When that jury sees your nails, they're gonna know they can trust you!" Magnus got up and stretched.

"Which is more then my legal team is doing. They're all over me to give up Tessa's alibi." he sat back down.

"Including your friend Alec?"

"Well he's on the team too."

"In more ways than one." she mumbled. Magnus looked at her. "Oh, come on Magnus. I've seen the way he looks at you."

"What do you mean?"

"It's so obvious! He looks at you when you're not looking, he's always helping you, and he let you drag him shopping. Not every guy will let you do that." she said matter-o-factly. Magnus laughed awkwardly.

"He's just my friend."

"Right." she said dragging the word out. "Well I could use a friend like that." Magnus wanted to change the subject from Alec, not because he couldn't find anything to say about him, in fact he could go on for years about his kindness, and selflessness, and his amazing eyes, but that was the problem. Lately, every time he's thought about him, or someone's mentioned him, Magnus got surprisingly happy. It was a strange feeling, because it was something new and warm. Magnus didn't like over sharing his deep emotions. He's okay with surface level emotions, and he's okay with putting on a facade, but for some reason 'Alec' was a topic of conversation reserved only for Magnus' brain to have with himself.

"Have you made any new progress in the dating pool?" he asked turning the attention onto Cat. She shifted. "You have haven't you!"

"Okay, there's a guy, but look, I've seen him like once, and he's way out of my league. Plus I'm not the show stopping type."

"I disagree with that, but here I'll show you a trick. My best friend from UCLA used this to get her fiancé. Well she did it as a joke, and look where it got her! It's called the Bend and Snap."

"The Bend and what?" Cat asked.

"The Bend and SNAP. It was created by UCLA Cheerleaders to break the will of the opposing team, but it also has real world applications! The Bend and Snap is 99.99% effective on straight men!" Magnus said as if he were marketing it.

"Great! 'Cause I have such a great track record with them." she said sarcastically.

"Okay, I see the problem here, and it's not physical. No, no. It's spiritual. You just need spirit! Become a cheerleader in your heart." Magnus explained. Cat looked at him as if he were crazy. "Do you know why cheerleaders get the guy and keep the guy?"

"Cause they jump around in short skirts and show their panties?"

"Yes." Magnus said nodding. "But, they demand and command attention."

"How do you know so much about being a cheerleader?"

"My friend group in high school and college was like 90% cheerleaders. I went to a lot of pep rallies. No guy can resist the Bend and Snap. Darling, if you want to make the team, you need to fake some self-esteem."

"Sorry that's not how it works for me, so I'm just going to politely decline your offer."

"Fine but I dare you to try it once and that guy will buy you a drink." Magnus bet.

"Yeah, okay we'll see." Magnus got up, and paid her.

"I've got to go, or I'm going to be late for the pre trial briefing." Cat smiled. "With the team!" he added.

"Sure. Say hi to Alec for me." Cat said with a smirked.

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