Take It Like A Man

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Magnus and Alec finally arrived to where he was dragging the TA. Alec got out of the car looking like a lost puppy, but Magnus couldn't blame him; he was out of his element. He walked in, pushing the doors open, and ushering Alec inside.

"Welcome to a department store." Magnus took in a deep breath. "Take a deep breath and smell the pure oxygen."

"I smell perfume." Alec said scrunching up his nose. A passing lady store clerk stopped them both.

"Love?" she asked looking between them.

"Excuse me?" Alec asked.

"Love, the new fragrance from Chanel." she showed them a heart shaped perfume bottle.

"Oh, no thank you." Magnus said and they continued on their way. "I know this is out of your comfort level, but think of the people you want to impress!" Magnus held out his hand. "Swallow your pride, and just say yes to everything." Alec reluctantly took his hand. "And prepare, because something's in the air!"

"I think it's Love."

"Exactly." Magnus laughed as he began to drag him to different parts of the store. He finally stopped in the tie section. He popped up Alec's collar, and began to tie a tie around his neck. "Just think of the guy you want to be, because here's your chance to be him." Alec squirmed under Magnus's grasp. "Take it like a man, Alexander."

"Why can't I never say no to you?" Magnus shrugged. "What's that smell?" he asked. A lady walking by answered.

"Subtext, by Calvin Klein." Perfume companies were running out of ideas for names. Magnus called over a girl who worked in the shop.

"Can we have some shirt options?" he asked. The girl nodded, and then returned with four different colours according to what Magnus had described to her.

"That's one's okay." Alec said pointing to one of them. "Guys who wear that would get beat up on my street." he said to Magnus about the zigzagged pink and yellow shirt. Magnus laughed and took the white one that Alec picked from the girl, and headed over to the suit jackets. He eventually picked out a dark blue, that wasn't quite navy but wasn't indigo either. Magnus thought it brought out Alec's eyes more. He handed Alec the outfit, and shooed him into the dressing room. After a minute or so, he walked out, and Magnus had to refrained himself from staring for too long. Magnus took him by the arm, and walked him to the mirror.

"There's someone I'd like you to meet." he said. Alec saw his reflection, and now he was seeing the same thing Magnus was.

"Whoa." he said. "I look...like Malcolm."


"But it's just me" Alec said, loosing his tie.

"That's the best part." Alec turned to him.

"What do you mean?"

"You look different on the outside, but this," he motioned to the outfit. "only now reflects what's already in you. Couldn't change that if I wanted too." Alec smiled. "And I do not."

"Thank you, Magnus."

"No, thank you. This isn't really a gift, it's a repayment. When I showed up at Harvard, you were the only one who believed in me. You saw behind all the glitter, to my mind. Okay, by seriously we've got to buy this, what are you blind! You look hot." Magnus sent Alec to go back and change and when he came out Magnus went to the cash and bought the new suit. 

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