Omigod You Guys: Part Two

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"So you got a perm, but then you went home and took a shower?" Magnus inquired.

"Yes, I said I was taking a shower already." she said a little aggravated. Magnus apologized.

"Miss Herondale, how many perms would you say you've gotten in your lifetime?"

"Twice every year since I was twelve." she said estimating. Magnus turned to the jury.

"You know a girl in my college got a perm once. I tried to talk her out of it, curls weren't a good look for her. But thankfully that same day she entered the UCLA wet tshirt contest where she was hosed down completely head to toe--"

"Objection your honour!" the prosecutor called standing up. "Why is this relevant?" she asked the judge.

"Oh, I have a point. I promise." Magnus said at Aldertree.

"Then make it Mr. Bane." he said. Magnus nodded.

"Cecily, why is it that that girl's curls were ruined when they got hosed down?"

"Because they got wet." she answered plainly.

"Exactly because isn't it the first rule of perm maintenance that you're forbidden to wet your hair for at least twenty four hours after receiving a perm, at the risk of deactivating the ammonium thioglycolate?" Magnus stood in front of her with his arms crossed.


"Then wouldn't someone who, say has had thirty perms before be well aware of this rule?"


"And if you weren't in fact washing your hair, as I suppose you weren't seeing as your curls are still intact, then you would have heard the gunshot? And if in fact you had heard the gunshot, Tessa Herondale wouldn't have had time to hide the gun before you got down stairs. Which means you would have had to have found Mrs Herondale with the gun in her hand to make your story plausible. Isn't that right?" Magnus asked. Cecily leaned forward, crying, with a look of pure rage.

"She's younger than me! How would you feel if you're only living family member, who is older then you, married someone who is younger than yourself!?"

"You however had time to hide the gun, didn't you Cecily? After you shot your brother!" Magnus said riling her up.

"I DIDN'T MEAN TO SHOOT HIM!" She cried. "I THOUGHT IT WAS TESSA WALKING THROUGH THE DOOR!" The audience and jurors gasped. Magnus took a step back, with shock at her outburst.

"ORDER! ORDER!" Aldertree shouted. "Miss Cecily Herondale you are under arrest for the murder of William Herondale. Take her away. As for the State vs. Tessa Gray Herondale this case is dismissed. Mrs Herondale, you are free to go. Court Adjured." Magnus stood frozen in front of the witness stand. He turned around. Tessa was being unhand cuffed, and when the cuffs came off she ran over to Magnus and hugged him.

"Not only did you save my life, but you also kept my secret, and for that I thank you. If you're ever in the neighbourhood swing by, and feel free to bring that boyfriend of yours along." She said motioning to Alec, who was waiting for him next to the table. Magnus walked over to him, and he hugged him. Magnus, still in Alec's arms, looked at him, there faces were inches away. So close that Magnus was debating having their first kiss in this courtroom, but Alec pulled away.

"I think someone wants to talk to you." Alec said, pointing behind Magnus, at Malcolm, who was waiting for him. "It's okay. I'll see you later."

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