Omigod You Guys: Part One

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Magnus showed up at the court the next day, dressed in a grey suit and pink tie. If he was going to beat all odds, he was going to do it with a little style. He marched into the courtroom, and placed his brief case down on the table next to Morgenstern. Right behind him was Tessa, and her guard, and behind her was Annabelle and Helen.

"Mr. Morgenstern," Tessa began. "You're fired." Morgenstern stood up.

"You can't fired me! Who else are you going to get to defend you?" he asked. Tessa took Magnus' hand and held it up. "That's absurd. Magnus is just a law student. He can't represent you." Magnus hadn't thought about that. He looked at Annabelle who just held up her finger, as if to say wait. Just as she did, the courtroom doors opened.

"Actually he can you honour." Alec said as he walked in. He walked straight up to the judge who was watching this all unfold. "Rule 3.03," he said dropping a book in front of Aldertree. "in the judicial court states that a law student, in this case Magnus Bane, may represent a defendant in criminal proceedings." Alec turned to Morgenstern and gave him a look that dared him to challenge is findings. Morgenstern took the bait.

"Only if he has a licensed attorney to supervise, and without me, he does not."

"Yes he does." Alec said. He turned to Aldertree. "I am a licensed attorney and I will gladly supervise."

"Like hell you will!" Morgenstern shouted. "You work for me remember?"

"No. I work for myself, and I don't have to hit on interns, Professor." Alec said standing inches from Morgenstern's face. He walked to Magnus wearing a smirk, and this time Alec winked at Magnus. Morgenstern straightened his back, and picked up his briefcase.

"Enjoy prison, Mrs. Herondale." he said as he left the courtroom. As he left, Magnus noticed a little red haired girl walk in. Clary Fairchild, and her new fiance Jace walked in. She gave him a little thumbs up, and she and blondie sat in the back row, along with Cat. When Magnus had called her and told her of his plan he didn't expect her to show up, but here she was. Alec handed Magnus the case file.

"Thank you." Magnus said. Alec leaned in and whispered,

"You didn't think I'd let you get away, did you?" With that Alec sat down, next to Tessa, leaving Magnus to be the only one standing. He looked around the room. Everyone was staring at him. Tessa with a hopeful look, Alec with a proud smile, and Cat and Clary sitting nervously in the last row. The jury was staring him down, and so was Aldertree.

"You may begin any day now, Mr. Bane." The judge said. "Call your first witness." he ordered. Magnus turned to the judge, and opened the case file that Alec had handed him.

"We call Miss Cecily Herondale to the stand." through the door that was a directly behind the witness stand, Cecily Herondale walked out and took a seat. The audience started to whisper about her hair. Cecily's hair was big, poofy, and curly. Really curly.

"Miss Herondale, what was your relationship with the deceased?" Magnus asked.

"He was my brother."

"And why were you at the Herondale/Gray household on the day of the murder?"

"Because I was living with my brother temporarily." Magnus nodded.

"Did you actually see the murder take place?"

"No. I was in the shower."

"So you didn't even hear a gunshot?"

"No, but when I got out I saw Tessa standing over Will's dead body, drenched in his blood!" the audience murmured. Through the audience's murmur, Magnus could hear Malcolm say,

"We're screwed." Magnus turned to Alec.

"Don't listen to him, you're doing fine." Alec told him. Magnus took a breath and turned back to Cecily.

"Miss Herondale, on the day of your brother's murder, did you see anyone suspicious hanging around?"

"No I didn't because I was out getting a perm." she explained, running her hand threw her hair. Magnus' eyes widened. He tried to suppress his smile, because Cecily had just handed him the key to helping Tessa. 

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