Legally Blonde - Remix

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Once Magnus had packed what he absolutely needed, he decided that he would send some movers to pack and bring back the rest. He looked at his watch and it was only five o'clock. He checked his imaginary checklist. Pack, check. Book flight, check. Say goodbye... Magnus sighed. There was no way he was going to see Alec, because he knew that if he took one look at him he would stay. Not because he wanted too, but because he wanted Alec. Magnus closed his eyes. He knew he was starting to have feelings for him since Christmas, but he only really acknowledged them when Malcolm proposed to Annabelle. He realized that Alec was the one who had helped him, and had been there. He loved Alec, and now that he knew he felt the same way, Magnus knew that if he took one last look at his eyes, he wouldn't be able to say no. Alec had once asked him why he could never say no to Magnus, but really Magnus didn't know how to say no to Alec. Magnus got up from his bed, and grabbed his jacket. There was one more person he owed a goodbye too.


"Cat?" he called out as he entered the salon. Magnus looked around, and found Cat sitting at her manicure table alone, like when they first met. She looked up at the sound of her name.

"Hi, Magnus. Manicure?" she asked. Magnus walked over to her.

"I came to say goodbye."

"Goodbye?" she stood up, and walked around the table to meet him.

"I'm going back to California." Magnus hugged her.

"California? Why?"

"Because I belong there. I make sense there."

"Honey, you aren't making any now. What happened?" she asked taking his hands. She wore an expression of concern.

"All of this time, I thought I was proving myself, but it turns out I was just one big joke and that's all anyone is ever going to see."

"Well that's not what I see." Magnus heard a voice behind him say. He turned around and Annabelle was standing behind him. In all of his hurry, he must not of seen her when he walked in.


"Maybe Malcolm saw someone sleeping their way to the top, but I see someone who doesn't have to." she said as she walked up to him. "When I first met you, I was jealous. I was jealous because Malcolm always talked about you and your looks, so when I met you I prayed for the day you'd leave. I told everyone how I didn't think you belonged, but as much of a bitch that I am, I also know when I wrong, and I was wrong about you. I see no end to what you can achieve but that's only if you don't let what Morgenstern did make you run away. You've proved your capability to me, so I think it's time you showed everyone else what you can do. Plus you look great in navy and black." she complemented. Magnus was taken aback by her compliments, and her blatantness.

"Okay." Magnus said.

"And another thing--wait? Okay? You'll come back?" Annabelle asked questioning how easily she convinced him.

"Girls," he said towards Annabelle and Cat. "When you're attack, you can't just walk away. You have to respond. Nobody screws with me, and get's away with it. Let's do this." Magnus said. Annabelle smiled.

"Okay! Now how do we deal with Morgenstern?" she asked. Magnus thought about it before coming upon an amazingly brilliant plan.

"I have an idea. To the jail!" 

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