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"ARIEL WAKE UP!!"My mother yelled screaming at me, she ran into my room in nothing but her robe my heart beat picked up, What was wrong with her? She looked so scared and Nervous. My mum was never any of those things she was always strong.

"Mum whats wrong?"

"ARIEL HURRY "My mother said grabbing my hand and rushing me down stairs, I ran outside and saw everyone in total Chaos. What the hell? Rogues were attacking pack memebers. How the hell did they get this far into the border.

"DUNKEN PROTECT ARIEL!!"My mother screamed before running into the fight, she shifted into her large white and black wolf form, i went to run in and help but my four guards stood around me in my protective circle.

"NO WE HAVE TO FIGHT "I screamed at them.

"Ariel, Your father will handle this. Settle down "Dunken said trying to calm me down, all four of my guards were in their wolf form apart from Dunken who stood next to me. He was orgninally my mothers guard but when i was born i got him and mum got Beta Max.

I looked at her side and saw Beta Max standing right by her side, protecting her flank like he usually did. I watched in Horror as all of these wolves were slaughtered right infront of my eyes. I felt physically sick, i wanted to curl over and vomit my stomach contents out. I couldnt it was a sign of weakeness, I may only be 14 years old but lets say my father taught me how to be adult be time i was 10, He taught me how to fight. But i was never to fight in battle until i was 16.

"What the hell"Dunken yelled.

"DIANNNA BEHIND YOU "He yelled, i watched in horror as Beta Max turned on my mother and his teeth were bared at her, He pounced at her and its like everything went down in slow motion from their onwards.

I heard my mothers howl and whine from the pain of the Razor Sharp teeth that had just penertraed her skin, a cry escaped me as i tried to get to her but the four wolves wouldnt let me, i turned to Dunken for help but he was just as distracted as i was, i turned my attention back to my mother who was now laying on the ground hopelessly, Her blood pouring out from her neck.

"NO MUM"I screamed, Dunken grabbed me and began to hold me down as i begged for realese i begged to be let out i felt my wolf trying to surface. I heard a death defying growl and it was that off my fathers, I Watched him run through the crowds of now shocked pack wolves and Rogues.

"DADDY NO "I screamed as he shifted into his human form and collapsed next to my father, cries were escaping me as i screamed for him to fight to do something but he did nothing! No one did. They stood there and watched, Max stalked towards my father and then made the final kill, Screams wallowed from me and i watched as my father bleed out infront of me, I fell to my knees and was screaming. A glow was coming from shoulder as i felt the Alpha tittle being passed onto me.

Max shifted into his human form and began talking with Rogues.

"GET THE LUNA OUTTA HERE NOW "One of the Warriors yelled, Within a second i was thrown over Dunkens shoulder and roughly taken away, Maxs eyes widened in on me.


"No no we cant leave "I screamed at Dunken, i continued to punch his back and begging him to let me down but he just wouldnt let me down. I let out a scream as the warriors began to fight once again and i watched in pride and in sadness as they stood in front of my parents now lifeless bodies protecting their bodies.

Soon i was roughly chucked into a car where 3 others were waiting, the cars sped off in the opposite direction, screams were still coming out from my mouth as i smashed aganist the windows to be let out, Dunken soon brought me into his arms and hugged me tightly.

"Your safe i promise Princess, Im sorry "He said before he injected me with a substance that made me very dopey for a few seconds and then i passed out on him.

"Where am i ?"I asked opening my eyes my vision was blury. Until the figures became clear.

"Tyson Pam??"

"Hey Huni "Pam said, i looked closer at her face and she had tear stains all over her face i looked over further and i saw Dunken and 7 of his men standing there with all drousey looks on their faces.

"My pack ?"

"Be time my men got there. Everyone was gone. Im sorry Ariel."

"What do you mean gone ?How long have i been asleep for ?"

"You have been in a comma. The doctors think that because of your state and how young your wolf still is that she couldnt handle all of the Alpha power of the pack so she needed to put herself into a comma so she wouldnt hurt you. And the Silver Dunken inserted into your body didnt help it either."

"Do you know where he is ?'I said looking up to Tyson, He shook his head in a no.

"If i did, His head would be on that wall."He said pointing to the wall. I nodded my head and felt the need to get up.

Then Reality hit me.

My family was dead.

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