Chapter 16

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Ariels P.O.V

"You ready ?" Eric said looking at me with a smirk. I nodded my head and started jogging behind him. His finger point right and i quickly ran to the right and hid behind a tree looking at him he put his gun to his side and grabbed his knife out, A smile came onto my face. Too easy. I walked up behind the guard and smelt him to be a rogue with great pleasure is what came next.

Slowly and Quietly i snuck up behind him and tangled my body around his and wrapped my arms around the rogues neck. Before i twisted my hands and i felt his neck muscles slowly tearing under my palm and then i smiled as that final crack went through the air. Dropping his lifeless body to the ground, i turned to see Eric still fighting with Rogue.

Stupid boys just can't go for the fucking easy kill, They say we make shit complicated, At least we kill quickly and don't try to show off all the time and put ourselves in dangerous situations on purpose.

"Eric, Hurry up "I growled.

"God i love it when you get Sassy"Eric said before he plunged the knife into the rogues skull, i walked over to him and slapped his shoulder as he pulled out the knife from the guy's skull and then his dead body began to spasm.

Yuck i hate it when they do that !

"Let's go Its clear here on out. Max is having dinner with his family, They obviously were expecting you. This early like shit look the sun's still out. Obviously think we don't have balls"

Looking at Eric he was no longer that man i once knew when i was younger. When his mate Riley died by the hands of Henry, Eric changed. He wasn't there to protect his mate as he was off hunting rogues. They attacked his mate and killed her. Those rogues belonged to Max's crew and boy was Eric pissed off when he found out who was really behind it.

After my parents were murdered. Max reached out to him and needed his assistance thinking that Eric blamed me for Riley's death. But Eric thought the exact opposite. He told the council and then it was a bloodbath. None of my pack members were killed only Rogues.

Erics always been the guy behind the scene. Always got my back no matter what.

Walking up to the house i onced called home a growl escaped me and i watched them eat at my table. In my fucking house. Anger raged through me like fire lighting on a match. They didn't deserve to be in the Alphas home. They were not of blood.

"Any sign of Pack Members??"A small but faint smile came onto Eric's face.

"What is it ?"

"They found a mass grave just down the trail but then their is a big old factory shed next to it they said they have found most of them." Looking back at them a growl escaped me and i turned away from stalking the family and took off down the trail.

Needing to see for myself what had happened here.

Running down the trail i helplessly ran into Eric's men as they grabbed me forcing me to stop just before i could see the whole. A small cry escaped me as i tried to fight them off Eric came up behind me and grabbed me by the waist holding me tightly.

"Ariel its nothing you need to see trust me" The doors to the factory were opened and out walked my pack members my face lit up, They were alive. They had survived under Max's Rule.

"Luna "One of them yelled. Their once droopy faces all turned into lit up looks off hope and vengeance. All of them looked broken and underfed, Some looked sick and without proper care.Anger raged through me as i saw them.

'I need to see what he has done to my pack."His grip loosened and he nodded at his men to move out of my way and then i slowly walked to the 10 feet long grave. Just under 200 bodies laid here. A mixture of High Ranking members and their families. Tears escaped me as i saw Ruby's mum in the mix of all of the desecrated bodies.

The smell had become horrific and i felt the need to throw up when the door i looked up at the sky for guidance when a very very fucked off scream left my chest at the sight i was seeing above me. My parents were hanging above me blood dripped down my face and then anger raged through me.

All i could see was red. Adrenaline rushed through me as i felt my pack marks lighting up and i growled before i took off in direction of the Alphas home. No doubt he knew i was here by now and this time. I was going to kill him

I am going to Claim what is rightfully mine.

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