Chapter 5

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My paws thudded against the dirt as i followed Tysons scent, THunderous growls were escaping my chest, my heart pounded like a freight train going full speed. I was scared that i was going to be too late to save him.

The thunder roared from the sky as the once sunny day turned blacker than the nights sky, lightning shot down and hit a tree a few hundred metres away from me, Sparks began to fly every where. Soon bright lights came from behind me and l looked back and saw a fire beginning to spread very fast.

It made me go faster, I pushed my body to its absolute maximum capacity, When i finally reached the cove that Tyson was in i looked down and saw that the odds were stacked against him. 3 dead bodies laid around him and they were rogues, just by looking a their fur, which was manky and gross and didn't look like they had a bath for a very long time.

Running down the hill i knew i had to reach Tyson fast before the wolves managed to kill him, they were wearing him down so that he would be easier to kill. A growl escaped my chest as i reached the bottom of the hill and i was now directly behind the rogues.

They spun around faster than the lighting and let out growls in my direction and i gave them right back, My claws tracted into the dirt, and i got into a fighting stance.

"Ariel get out of here now."Tyson screamed at me through the mind link,

"I'm not leaving you here "I growled back at him.

"Ariel they are here for you ! They will kill you. Now run!"

"Let them try."I growled back once again.

"ARIEL NO" He yelled at me as one rogue ran at me and tackled me to the ground.

As i struggled to fight off the rogue i eventually found his weakness which happened to be his right back leg which had a rather large bite mark in it, that Tyson had obviously given him. The other rogues had now began circling around me, 5 were standing waiting to attack me the other 3 were attacking Tyson who was growing weaker by the second.

Kicking his back leg in i extend my claws and sunk them into his shoulder and extended my canines before lunging my jaw into his neck. Growls erupted from all of the rogues as i pushed the Rogues lifeless body off of mine. I spat out the chunk of his neck that i had ripped out onto the ground and a smirk came onto my face as i looked at all of the rogues faces.

Obviously are sexist and think the girls can't fight, let alone kill anyone.

Two Rogues charged at me from two different directions, I Sunk to the ground and the two rogues collided with each other, i was ready to pounce on another one when a thunderous growl came from a few metres away from me, The growl sent shivers down my body and they were pleasurable shivers not scared ones.

It was my mate.

Saxton stood there growling in all of his glory, My wolf purred at the site of her mate and was basically checking him out and was too focused on how good he looked instead of worrying about what the hell the rogues that were trying to kill us were doing. In the corner of my eye i saw a rogue sneaking up behind us, And so did Saxtons wolf. He let out a growl to warm my wolf and she flung around just in time to catch the rogue in mid air.

He collided with my wolf body and pushed us to the ground as he was massive and outweighed my wolf by a lot. My body collided with the forest floor and my wolf let out a growl and pushed herself up and taking the rogue with her, While our mate began to go absolutely feral on the rogues that were trying to attack me.

Snapping the rogues neck in a swift movement i quickly moved onto the ones that were attacking my mate. Even though their were now only two more left not including the ones that were attacking Tyson.

A small whimper caught my attention as i slit the rogues throat, my head snapped in that direction and it was Tyson as one of the rogues had snapped one of his hind legs. A death growl escaped my chest as i sprinted into his direction colliding my body with the rogue that had done it, I did it quick and smooth and attacked my teeth into his neck and ripped out his jugular.

Saxton took care of the other two rogues whilst i attended to Tyson. Who was now in his human form. 20 Wolves showed up half of them being Tysons and mine and the other half being Saxtons.

I was gently pushed away from Tyson as the pack doctor tended to him, I decided i needed to be on my own and started running in the other direction, i didn't want to be around anyone as they will be way to protective and i just want to be on my own. Be able to do my own thing, have my own life. But none of that will ever happen.

As i got far enough away from everyone, i ended up at a rather large lake and i sat down on the bank wanting to fall asleep not caring about anything. I turned onto my back and looked up to the clouds, When a twig snapped, i immediately became on edge until i was meet with blue eyes and its like my whole body calmed down and my wolf laid back down and waitied for her mate to join us.

He eventually laid down next to us and rubbed his body all of hers, Wanting her to smell like him. I didn't want to upset my wolf so i let her have these special moments with her mate before both me and Saxton took back control. He went behind a tree and shifted back into his human form walking out in a pair of boxes, whilst he chucked a t shirt at me and i quickly went behind a tree and shifted.


"Ariel, You now have no choice. You are coming back with me, Its no longer safe."

"Saxton. Tyson was just attacked. Without me here they will be defenseless to and attack."

"My men will stay here until he is well."

'But -"

"No Buts Ariel. We leave at 6. That's in two hours. Have your men ready. Or i will come and get you and force you to come, You don't want that. Trust me."

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