Chapter 7

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"Ariel Its time to wake up Princess, We are almost home."I heard a voice whispering into my ear, I felt warm and cosy but i felt something hard underneath my head. Opening my eyes i rolled over to see whoever it was that interrupted the best sleep i've had in like forever to be meet with a t-shirt.

Immediately i lifted my head up and was meet with a smirking Saxton, who had the biggest grin on his face. Typical idiot. Taking advantage of a vulnerable girl while she sleeps. Anger actually flooded through me how the hell did i end up sleeping on his lap.

"What the actually hell Saxton !"I growled at him.

"You moved yourself onto me thank you very much,"He replied with a big smirk on his face, I turned my face back to the window and cuddled my pillow tightly to my chest and saw the trees going past very fast, We must be going well over the speed limit.

The sun was slowly starting to rise from the east of us, When i was younger me and my father always used to get up and go for a run in the morning while my mother usually began to cook breakfast or actually came with us, We always ran away from the guards so we could actually bond without having the Guards watching us.

My father may have been Alpha but that doesn't mean anything especially when you and your families lives have been threatened. The head Warriors are in charge of the Alpha family's safety. In most packs, they actually sort of have their own division, it's like the secret service with the president but with The Alphas instead. Since i was the only Heir to my throne i was the main target for ever Rouge and every Unmated Alpha Male. That's why when my parents died.

Tyson made it out to be like i was dead too, Even though no one has ever found any bodies of any of my pack members, not even my parents. I still remember the pain i felt when they died, it felt like they ripped something out of my heart.

"Here we are "Saxton said. We came through two massive gates, looking around me their were beautiful trees line down the driveWay all were in a beautiful Pinky orange blossom and i fell in love with the trees instantly. Our car drove for a good solid 20 minutes before we pulled alongside a massive fucking house, I felt my mouth drop at the sight of how big it was like it was massive.

"Welcome to the Pack house."

"What not a palace or a castle ?"I laughed as i got out of the car and was greeted by a very tired bunch of my men.

"Pleasant journey was it Luna ?"

"Oh Of course. Who wouldn't want to be in the company of the king.'I Laughed at them, They all laughed very tiredly, I could tell they hadn't had much sleep these last few days.

"Saxton can you show us our rooms please, The guys are tired and to be absolutely honest i am too."

"Of course."He said with realization coming onto his face that they all had to drive the whole 10 hours here, with no breaks and they have been up for the past 35 to 50 hours."Men carry their luggage to their rooms "Saxton said holding his head high, Kevin and James stood at my side and we waited for Saxton, i followed in behind him and we ended up walking up a rather large set of stairs, His pack members stood to one side and looked me up and down.

"Your rooms are on the third floor and Ariel will be on the fourth with me and my heads of Pack." Dunken went to argue when i was grabbed by the waist and thrown, behind James and all my men had surrounded me in a protective circle.

"Dunken " I recognized that voice. But i couldn't quite remember where from.

"YOU!"Dunken growled. "You stay the fuck away from Ariel."Dunken cursed, Wait on Dunken only curses when he gets angry or hates the person. But who does Dunken hate.

"Looks like we got her in the end anyway"He said very cockly. A growl erupted from Dunken and i watched as he went to lunge at the man, now my view of the man was very clear.

It was my mates father.

"DUNKEN ENOUGH"I growled in my Alpha tone. A small whimper came from Dunken as he bowed his head to me.

"Father that goes for you too. Stay away from Ariel and her guards until she gets comfortable"

"As you wish Son. A real shame about your Father and mother. "His father smirked at me and then looked down at my men like they were nothing which earnt a growl from me. When he mentioned my parents however that changed everything. My men let out deadly growls pissed off that he dared disrespect them in a manner.

I stood in front of my men in a protective stance, i was their Alpha and this man may be powerful and my mates father but my pack comes first. I won't tolerate any disrespect from anyone.

"If i find out you have had a part to play in their death. My mates father or not. I will kill you, You will respect me as you're Luna and you will respect these men. Or you will have me to deal with.

"Please do not push me to see how far i will go to avenge my parents or protect my pack members."I said before i turned on my feet and was meet with a amazed mate, Obviously amazed at what i had just said to his father. I was no longer that 11 year old girl who hid behind her pack, now i was in front ready to attack and kill anyone who dared threaten my family.

Saxtons hands came onto my waist and guided me down the corridor and we came to a stop, Kevin and James were laughing about how the former Alpha King just got told by their best friend slash Luna.

"Here you guys are The four rooms are all yours. "

"BEGS THE ENSUITE."Kevin yelled. A small laugh escaped me as all of the boys except Tom and Dunken ran inside.

I felt eyes burning into my head and i turned around to see Saxton with a big smile on his face. Looking confused at him i wondered what he was smiling about, he had such a beautiful smile he needed to do it more often,

"What??"I asked him confusingly. He just smiled harder and it actually made something inside of me go off. I don't know what it was but i felt really happy just because he was happy.

"You're beautiful when you smile,"

"Oh really."

"The whole time i've known you i have never seen you smile or laugh"

"Well thanks"Small laughter broke out from Tom and Dunken. I raised my eyebrow to them and shook my head and Saxton grabbed my hand and lead me away from my pack. Dunken and Tim looked very worried that they were not going to be with me. I gave them a stern nod as i walked up another set of stairs when we reached a locked door.

He pulled out a small card and placed it into the door handle and it made a beep sound before it opened. I followed him closely as we walked past about four doors before we reached the end of the corridor and reached a very nice looking door. He opened it and i was meet with a very elegant bedroom. I swear my mouth dropped wide open at the room.

The bed was massive and was big four post one,it actually looked like a Queen's room it was so Elegant and Beautiful. I dropped my bag on the ground and looked around the room, It pretty much was like a house in a room, It had a small kitchen, A massive bathroom, A seating area with a T.V a massive walk in wardrobe, i Saw a connecting room and i walked over to it and opened the door and i felt my eyes widened and even my mouth dropping.

It was a babys Nursery.

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