Chapter 9

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Anger flooded through me, Saxtons eyes connected into mine. He pushed the slut out of his arms and his face told me all i needed to know. His eyes held Guilt and regret, i turned my head away from his gaze. I grabbed my day pack and my set of keys to one of the cars that was known as mine was the American Muscle car. Opening the door i stormed out, i pushed past Jaxon who was standing there looking very worried.

"Luna"He yelled. I took off in a dead sprint, Slamming the door behind me, I jumped down the staircase as fast as i could.

"ARIEL."Kevin yelled as I pushed past him and ran out the front door, in a dead sprint i took off towards my car, I got in and started the engine. My foot found the Acceleration and i drove straight down the driveway.

Looking back in the rearview mirror i saw everyone running out of the house and running towards their cars. I sped up and left them behind. I had absolutely no fucking idea where i was or where the hell i was going but i didn't care.

As long as i was far away from him.

Vibrations started to happen on my dashboard where my phone was. Picking it up i had one hand on the wheel and was unlocking my phone. A photo of all the guys came up on my phone as they were all trying to ring me. I turned my phone off and chucked it in the back seat.

No one had followed me so i began to slow down. Until two wolves ran out in front of my car, my foot immediately slammed on the breaks. Two growls escaped the two wolves, I sat their watching their every move, I put my left foot on the accelerator and made the engine reve. I soon took my foot of the break and then the Wolves moved out of my way as i sped past them.

I could tell by their pack marks that they were Saxtons Guards as they did look similar to the wolves that are always by his side.

Seeing the two Gates we came in from when we arrived here. They Automatically opened and i speed out. A howl echoed through the air and i knew that it was my mate trying to call my wolf back to the house. But even she was upset. She was actually beyond upset. She wouldn't even talk. She felt betrayed as she was protecting what was hers and yet he still comforted that slut instead of coming and looking after her.

After about a Hour of driving, i got really tired so i decided to pull over at a diner. Grabbing my wallet from the back seat i carried my phone in with me and walked into the dinner. A smell made me stiffen as i entered the door. I knew that smell, i looked around me and the smell of blood lingered in the air.

Suddenly i became very on a alert. I saw a dead body laying on the ground and a small growl escaped me as she was a werewolf but a rogue that was dead. I knew her from somewhere but i didn't know where from.

"Hello Ariel"

"No"I gasped.

He was meant to be in jail.

I didn't dare turn around as i knew what was waiting for me, my breathing increased dramatically, i felt my breathing get very loud as i was begging to have a panic attack, This woman died because of me.

"I told you i would find you "He said.

"GO TO HELL"I screamed at him before i went to run away when i was grabbed by my waist and a sharp pain went into my arm looking down i saw a syringe sticking out of my arm. I lost it i started to fight back. He got angry as a growl escaped him and then he picked me up and threw me to the other side of the room landing on the menu board. A growl escaped me as i got up. I went to run but i could looking down i saw a piece of glass sticking out of my thigh.

"Fuck"I pulled it out knowing i wouldn't be able to do my big escape plan with that in my leg. A small cry escaped me as i pulled it out, I ripped a little bit of my shirt off and tied it around my leg tightly.

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