Untitled Part 18

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Ariels P.O.V

The one thing i had dreamed about for the past four years was finally becoming true. Tonight was going to be my do or die. I was going to revenge my family. No matter what the cost. Tonight no rules applied. I am going to serve justice for my pack. I didn't protect them then. Now they have paid the cost. It was time for me to take over and become the Alpha i was always meant to be.

I needed to kill him not for Saxton Not Dunken. Not Tyson or Pam. Not Kevin. Not Tom. Not my parents. Not my pack. I was going to kill him for me, This bastard has taken everything from me and it was time i started repaying the favour.

Reaching the edge of the forest line, i ran out and was meted with a very nervous looking Max who obviously realised that every Rogue he had out on Patrol, Was murdered. Oh no ops that was us.

"Ariel "He said.

"Max"I growled.

"Are you going to take the proposal??"Max sneered at me looking at his son. A Smirk arises through my face.

"I love how you think you can control me! What are you going to do ?Kill me ?Go ahead and see how you get your heir and Spare then asshole.'

"Nice to see your attitude hasn't changed."

"Oh mate if anything its gotten a fuck load worse."I Laughed at him.

"What are you going to do then Ariel?

"Ohh shit I'm sorry is that not obvious ?"I laughed at him like he was a joke because let's take it what a moron. "I'm here to take my pack back. Oh, and to kill you and your family."I said before i lunged myself at him, Growls erupted from everywhere as officially the war had now begun.

Rogues appeared out of the houses and Eric's men took them out along with a few of the fit and able pack members from my pack. Who wanted a taste of vengeance too.

"BITCH "Max's son yelled before he ran at me and threw me to the ground he got on top of me and began to sneer his teeth near my neck, Shit this is it. He's going to mark me, i struggled as hard as i could, i was throwing my body all over the place attempting to get him off of me.

"Your father obviously didn't raise you that well now did he boy !!"I Heard a familiar voice growl, Looking up i felt like my eyes were about ready to pop out of my head. Rex Saxton's father stood over top of me and then grabbed Max's son and snapped his neck with a smooth quick instant. The crowd went quiet and i watched as my pack members and Warriors from Eric's soon came behind me.

"Finish it Ariel,"Rex said handing me a gun.

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS I AM ALPHA "Max yelled at me.


"Like fuck, you are "Rex growled at him stalking towards him.

"You betrayed him! HE TREATED YOU LIKE A BROTHER! AND YOU KILLED HIM AND HIS MATE ALL FOR POWER YOU SELFISH FUCK "Rex said smashing his fist into Max's face.

Max's Wife soon came out and she ran to Max's side. Crying her eyes out and begging me to show them mercy. I felt millions of questions flooding through my mind and all of a sudden i was beginning to question myself. Like was i really going to kill them at point-blank range in front of everyone?

"Ariel I'll do it Go see to your pack,"Eric said attempting to grab the gun from my hand. I didn't let it go as his hand was on my mind. A flash caught my eye and Eric's too.

"GUN "

"LONG LIVE ROGUE NATION UNITED."Max's wife screamed before she took a shot, I felt a high pressure building up in my chest and a cry escaped me as i felt the bullet puncture my vest and i felt myself being thrown back in the air and the amount of force the bullet hit me with.

Landing on the ground she was soon disarmed by Eric who was ready to rip her head off at a moment's notice. One wrong move with him and boom its like turning a light switch and he turns from being the nicest man in the world To a cold-hearted monster that he can't control.

"Leave her, "I said in a high tone voice, Eric dropped her to the ground and then she stood up as i did and then she ran at me, My pack members went to interfere but Eric and Rex put their hands in the air to stop them.

I ran towards her and as she got closer and closer i made sure to tense my muscles and clench my fisits. And then i collided it with her face and the blood splattered everywhere which originated from her nose. My heart raced as i waited for her to get back up and watched as Max looked very worried for his wifes safety.

However, he did look somewhat confident that i wouldn't kill her because I'm not that kind of person apparently. But when it comes to my family and the people i love. No one fucks with that.

"WHERE IS HENRY !"I growled


"Your Son had those exact same plans and look where that got him "I laughed.

"We surrender, You can't kill us! Under council law.!"His Wife screamed.

'"Shes right you can't "Max yelled backing up his wife.

"Oh but i can. You see since i'm the Alpha the rules still apply. "

"You cant do this !!Its aganist the Alpha codes !! You cant kill a Alpha you have to challenge him"

"Like how you challenged my father and mother for their tittles. You fucking ambushed them! You are cowards !!"

"FINE YOULL HAVE YOUR TRIAL. Meet the jury "I say Pointing at all of my starved pack memebers who had been beaten tortured and treated like slaves for god only knows how long.

"I STAND JUDGEMENT NOW You committed treason against your Alpha and neglected your rank as Beta. You commit multiple acts of murder, Torture, You plotted aganist the ambush and take over of this pack by Rogues. You have committed multiple packs of treason aganist this pack."
"i sentence you both to death and any other conspirators that played apart in my packs fall or parents murder. What do the jury say "



"This is for my father," I said before i pushed my gun barrel to His wife's skull and pulled the trigger. Her brains splattered all in his direction and then i dropped her body to the ground like the pile of shit she was.

His cries echoed throughout the valley. I had no remorse.

"ARIEL DON'T DO IT !!"I heard Peter's voice yelling from behind the crowds.

"Great here come the mongrel savers,"Rex said. I looked back at Max who was growling and carrying on at me.

"Now you know how my father felt. "I said before i turned my back on him and began walking back towards Eric.When i dropped to my knees grabbing at my stomach a rush of heat ran through my body, i felt the sweat dripping down my face.

"ARIEL,"Eric Said grabbing me.

"She's in heat "He said to Rex.'

"Actually Ariel. I made your father watch as Rogue had turns with your mother. She didn't die for hours."

"YOU SICK BASTARD!!"I Screamed, Overcoming the pain i was in i stood up and walked towards him holding the gun at his head.

"Ariel doesn't do this. its done its overHe will be put in jail for the rest of his Life Ariel he's done"

"I'll see you in hell "I growled at him. Before i pulled the trigger and collapsed to the ground.

"Nows its done."

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