Chapter 4

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 "No" i barked at him.

"Ariel don't pushed me "

"Or what" Before i even knew it he was in front of me, his face with inches of mine. His nose touched mine and our eyes were looking directly into each others eyes and i got lost in his eyes once again, i felt my breathing increasing and my heart beat. His body lowered down closer to my level and he placed his hands on my hips and had a smirk on his face, A small smile came onto my face.

I felt happy.

Turning away from his gaze i pushed him away from my body, not liking all of these different emotions running through my body currently. He looked hurt as i pushed him away and stood up and tighten my rob around my body.

"Ariel, You aren't getting a choice in the matter. I let you go once and look where that got me!"He growled at me, He doesn't see me as his equal and to be completely honest, I don't think he ever will. All of the women in his family are known to be very submissive towards their mates as that's the way their family works. Boy do they have another thing coming when i show up.

"I'm not a possession"I growl at him.

"You are mine !"

"No actually technically i'm not. I belong to my pack "

"They aren't here. Are they ?No they aren't. Ariel just give me a chance one chance. I need you by myside. I don't care if you don't live in the same house as me as long as you are in my territory i don't mind, but i will need to see you and maybe kiss those beautiful big juicy lips and cuddly you when your cold."

"Ariel i need you "He said coming up behind me and whispering into my ear, a small shiver ran down my spine as his hand went to my body.

"I can't just leave, I have priorities" I argued.

"I'm your mate. And Ariel you will be coming with me."

"Well, I'm not coming."

"You're not protected here Ariel. You have no idea. How many people Max has in his pocket. He has moles in packs, He has one in Tysons pack. "


"Think about it Ariel! How do you think those rogues got passed your guards, Unless it was one of your guards, that is mole"A growl erupted from my chest as he accused one of my loyal guards of being a mole.

"There is no way that anyone from my pack is a mole !!"I growled.

"Ariel, I need you close to me. I need to know if your safe."

"I am Saxton. My guards protect me. And i can look after myself you seen that last night "I said, looking into his eyes trying to get him to see sense that i don't need him or all of his Warriors to protect me.

"Ariel i'm not leaving you here. I have made my decision."

"Saxton please"

"Ariel you are my Luna,Queen and my Mate you will need to learn that i'm not only your mate but your King too."

"Saxton "

"Ariel We are going home. Together. I have changed my mind you will be livng with me in our Home now"

"No i'm not going !"

"Yes you are. You either be ready to leave here at 6 when me and my warriors arrive or i will take you. There and then. I will mark you Ariel just to prove a point. I can not be seen as weak. Not in front of anyone. So i will use you as an example of what happen when you disobey a king !"He growled at me.

"I can't leave my guards !"

"They will be coming with you, They already know that you are coming with me. So does Tyson and they are all fine with it"

"What about my pack?"

"I Will help you find them. I give you my word."

"Deal"I said, turning my gaze back to the window i could see Tysons men posted all around my house. The threat must be real.

"Ariel i didn't want it to be like this "

"Sure you didn't."

"I'm trying to protect you here."

"Your family was ready to kill mine ! You didn't seem to care when you're father was trying to take me away from my family. How am i meant to know that you aren't the one who had them Killed !"

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'D ORDER YOUR FAMILY TO BE MURDERED RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU . Plus if i wanted your family dead. I would kill them myself. I do my own dirty work"

"You don't want me as your mate Saxton. I have killed a lot of people"

"I know your reputation and you know mine princess."

"ARIEL "Dunken screamed bursting into my office.

"Dunken ?What is it ??"I said moving out of Saxtons hold, Dunken looked in between us and a small realisation came onto his face. Then his face when back to hard and stern all serious about something. A small growl came from Saxton as he obviously didn't like me not being in his arms, i felt his presence come in behind me and stand very close towards me only a few inches from touching.

"ARIEL TYSONS BEING ATTACKED." A growl erupted from my chest and i ran past Dunken and was out the backdoor within a few seconds and i had shifted into my white and black wolf. I put one foot in front of the other and let out a howl. All my men were next to me within seconds, looking back i saw Saxton at the stairs wondering what the hell was about to happen.

I took off in my wolf form growling all the way, I left my men behind and as i took off, as i have Alpha blood in me i am alot faster then most Wolves and i can out run anyone. Especially when i'm angry.

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