Chapter 11

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2 Months later.

Ariels POV.

I woke up to Ruby's cries coming from her cot and i got up to her and cuddled her tightly as she too gets night mares, I don't know what from but everytime i look into her eyes its just off the explosion at the dinner. Thankfully the women there wasn't Violet who was meant to be my Delta and is Ruby's Biological mum.

Saxton groaned as he could no longer feel my presences in the bed. We still aren't on the best of terms and we are not mated or anything yet. Because i still don't like Tiffany and threaten to kill her whenever i see her near Saxton. Sometimes i catch them alone together and it really gets me going.

Honestly i don't know how many times i need to break her nose for her to get the hint. Stay the fuck away from my mate.

Jaxon and i have grown quite close as he is now my main protection along with Kevin and Tom as the rest have gone off on the Hunt for Henry, along with a few of Tysons men. I refuse to speak to Saxtons father and threatened to kill him if anything happened to anyone of my pack members.

She quieted down and i placed her back into her cot and went back to bed, I found it easy to sleep with Saxton as i had no bad dreams as long as he was close to me, I always felt safe and protected when he was with me. I Was really starting to get used to him what can i say he was growing on me. He had taken me out on dates and a few other things but he was mainly busy with pack stuff.

***Next day ****

I ran and ran, I pushed myself. I needed too.

Needing to gain more strength and to push myself to my absolute limits was not hard at all i just let all my anger and outrage escape me. Every morning i would wake up and put, Ruby in her day clothes then put her in her pram and take her for a run in the pram. Tom would be by my side in wolf form while Jaxon and Kevin ran with me.

"Jesus that was by far the fastest we have ever gone. Holy shit i'm out of breath."

"So when are you going to finally let him mark you ?"Jaxon laughed.

"Very soon, I'm falling for him i think"I laughed.

"Let me guess the Carnival ?"Kevin said raising his eyebrow then i sighed knowing Kevin had told him that i love carnival games.

"Really ? You told him ??"I growled at him.

"Man gotta respect the Bro Code "

"What about the "I'm your Alpha not him "Code "I growled. He looked at me with those puppy dog eyes while Jaxon laughed hishead off.

Walking back into the house Jaxon picked up Ruby and began to play with her with the kids toys in the lounge while i began to prepare us breakfast.

"What's the bet that those fucken morons are in a bar somewhere just drinking their problems away and hoping that Henry is just going to walk on in."

"Probably aye."Tom laughed, It was nice to finally see Tom smiling once again. He misses Dunken a lot . i can tell that he misses having someone around his age to talk and that understands all of his really weird shit jokes that no one else seems to understand.

Its unbelievable how much you end up missing people who you have seen for almost every day of your life and for the last four years been in you life 24/7 to having nothing but a check in once a day that was a 20 second call so they couldn't be tracked and neither could i.

The great plan is that. Whenever Henry found me, we would move to the other side of the country that's why the guys went to the other side of the country to get him the fuck away from me and Now Ruby.

Ruby was now also a priority. She was the only normal pack member we had. She was our Hope and the reason we do what we do.

"Bacon and Eggs for you. Young chap "I Said giving Kevins plate to him and Gave Tom his bowl of cornflakes and Jaxon his Cheerios, I grabbed Rubys bottle and began to feed her whilst everyone else munched away on their food.

"Mu-ma"She said. A tear dropped down my face as i wasn't her mum her mum was somewhere i didn't know where, I Would give anything for her to be back with her real mum, I'd give anything to give her a normal life with a pack.

The boys all went quiet and they looked at me in pitiful ways as they were thinking the exact same thing as me. What do i say ?How do i say it ? Her first words but they were to the wrong person. I guess after her being with me for a good portion of her life she just thinks i'm the real deal. When i'm really not.

"What do i say ?"

"Say what comes to mind. Its natural for you Since your Luna "

"We are going to find your real mummy soon. I promise you that baby girl. If its the last thing i do. You will grow up knowing your parents and you will have a normal life, i promise "I said kissing her forehead.

"There is my favourite Daughter in law "I looked up and saw Fiona standing there with a big smile on her face and a small smile came onto mine. She was Saxtons mum and might i say she was the complete opposite to his dick head father.

Fiona always made an effort with me always went that extra mile to make sure i was okay and always helped out with Ruby. She was always the person i could rely on and she had kind of taken the spot of being there for me when i really need it. The 17th of every month always turned out to be the hardest as that was the day my world shook. It was the day my world broke into two.

Its like losing the key piece to the puzzle and it never being the same again it will never look the right away as a piece is missing it will never be complete because of the piece missing.

"What did you guys get up to today ?"

"Just the usual. Went for a little run "

"Your definition of little. Is very fucking dramatised"

"Kevin Language "Fiona taunted. He looked like a little kid being told off by his mum as he got all salty about it and like started to sulk and looked down at his eggs.

"Yeah for fuck sake Kevin there is a kid in the room "Jaxons mimicked which earned a coughing laugh from me and Tom. Fiona shot daggers at him and then fired straight back.

"You better watch it Jaxon Timothy Flin. Or i'm gonna take the spoon to that small little ass of yours "She threatened.

A small laugh escaped me. I handed Ruby over to Fiona who opened her arms very gladly to take the beautiful baby in. Ruby had the most beautiful eyes and they were mixed between one of my Warriors named Samuel and Violet. She had the most Beautifulest green and blue eyes like they were mixed in together and it made a beautiful colour like a tequeil.

Walking towards the kitchen i grabbed the tray of breakfast that i made for Saxton so he could have breakfast in bed and i started walking up like the 5 flights of stairs and shit was that tiring. Jaxon followed closely behind he helped me get through doors and shit he said he needed a shower well technically Fiona told him he needed a shower because man this boy can work up one hell of a sweet.

Finally reaching our floor i walked straight down the hallway and was slowly opening my bedroom door when Jaxon yelled something at me.

"ARIEL NO "He yelled at me. But it was too late.

The grip of the hold on my tray dropped and the tray smashed to the ground.

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