Chapter 1

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 4 Years later.

"I'M NOT GOING TO NO FUCKING BALL AND THAT'S FINAL"I growled at Dunken as i continued to punch the punching bag.

"Ariel there's high chance you're mate will be there "Dunken tried persuading me a smile came onto my face.

"And you think that's gonna want to make me go even more ?"

"He can help us Ariel."

"I'm doing this on my own, i don't need a bloody mate."

"Ariel you will need one eventually to help run the pack."

"I'm not going. I'm certainly not wearing no dress."

"Ariel "Dunken said "You only turn 18 once "

"Big deal"I said smashing my fisit into the punching bag. Every birthday i have had since that day i have hated and refuse to celebrate. I'm not some girl that makes everyone feel sorry for her just because her parents died. Its actually the complete opposite. I hate having people looking at me in pity, i don't believe in it.

"Ariel. Your parents didn't want this life for you. They wanted you to be happy. They wanted you to enjoy life."

"Well they are dead aren't they !"I screamed at him before the amount of force that i smashed against the punching bag sent it flying off of the chain and onto the ground. I took several deep breathes in. Refusing to cry. I finally turned around and came face to face with Dunken who was in tears.

"I'll go to this stupid thing ! But i'm not staying for long "I growled at him before i grabbed my water bottle and towel and began walking down the hallway to get something quick to eat, i was meet with 7 mopping idiots laying around in the lounge all look sad.

These were the only 7 people from my pack that were left, i didn't know if my pack was dead or if they were being held captive somewhere. These were the seven guys well 8 including Dunken that have been the only people that i could have close to me, the only people that have been with me from the very start and they will be with until the very end too.

"We are going "I huffed in annoyance, They all smiled at me, i let a small smile come onto my face, i turned around and started running up the stairs, i walked into my room and shut the door quietly, Looking onto my superking bed i saw a rather ravishing looking gown, it had white snowflakes all up the dark blue dress.

I felt a small tear drop down my face, as my Aunt Pam had made this dress. My mum and her had designed it when i was little and i told them what colour i wanted it and that i wanted snowflakes on my dress.

Turning the tap to the shower on, i waited for the water to be just right. Before i placed my body into the water. I felt the warm water attach itself to my body and as it ran down my bare sweat filled skin, i felt my body start to relax.

Reluctantly i pulled myself out of the shower and decided it was time to get out of the shower and start getting ready as this stupid ball started at 8 and it was like 7 so i needed to get my ass into gear.

Quickly curling my hair and i put half of it up and the other half down, i placed makeup on a put just the basics as i did not want to go all out. Stepping into my dress i felt it tighten around my body as i pulled it up. Reaching over my back to try and find the Zip i felt my arm muscles stretching as turns out the zip was very hard to find. When my hand caught onto it i pulled it up and felt the dress completely tighten around my body. It wasn't and uncomfortable tight either. It was easy to breathe in and out so it was the perfect fit.

Looking into the Mirror i looked at myself and didn't even recognize who it was, i looked nothing like i usually did. Mind you i'm usually in track pants and a overgrown jersey. Deciding i needed to get down stairs so we could i quickly grabbed a pair of high heels and ran down stairs with them in my hand. Because no way was i wearing these babies any longer then i needed too.

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