Chapter 6

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"Miss Snow. "One of Saxtons warriors said putting his hand out for me to take to walk down the stairs. I politely declined it and stayed closed to my warriors, Tyson stood there With his leg in a cast and on crutches.

The sun had began to fall and all of the clouds had disappeared, the sunset was beautiful but unfortunately i was rushed and couldn't sit on my rooftop to watch it. The colours were beautiful, It was a mixture of Red, Orange and Pink, Looking above me i could see the stars slowly starting to appear.

Walking over to Tyson and Pam, i embraced them in a hug. Their tight grip around me indicated that they didn't want me to leave and all honesty, i didn't want too. I was going to miss them. They have been the closest thing i have had to parents ever since mine died, they always treated me as if i was their own flesh and blood. Pam had tears dropping down her face which i felt drop onto my shoulder.

I felt Tyson move and i watched as he started walking over to my mate in a very proud stance he put his hand out and i watched Saxton take it and both males arms tensed up and you could see the blood circulation been cut off from their hands as they were shaking it so tightly.

"Look after her. Protect her with your life. "Tyson said in a firm voice.

"She will be well protected on my lands."

"You hurt her. You will be a dead man.'

"I'm your King remember your place Tyson."

"I don't care who you are. Ariel has lost enough people, she won't be able to handle much more heartbreak."

"She will be fine i give my word."Saxton said.

I cuddled Pam tightly as she began to cry very loudly. Which caught Tysons attention and he hobbled like a penguin back over to us on his crutches.

"I wish your parents were here to see you, See the Beautiful young Luna you are becoming. Oh darling they were looking forward for this day the moment you were born "Pam cried into my shoulder.

"Luna its time " Dunken said coming to my side.

"You take care of her Dunken,If anything happens you call me straight away" Tyson said putting his hand on Dunkens Shoulder, Dunken was quite an oldish guy, i think he was about in his 50s and Tyson was about 45 they same age as my dad would have been this year. While mum would have only been 36.

"Take Care Ariel. You can come home any time you want too. I'm going to miss you so much sweetie.You may not be my blood daughter but i hope you know. I love you just as much as you parents did. And i know if they were here they'd be saying the exact same thing. Be safe sweetheart."Pam said before she kissed my forehead and Was soon Embraced by Tysons arms.

"Be safe Kiddo, Be good,Kill any fucker that dares to hurt you. As soon as you find out where the beta that killed your parents, Contact me straight away. I want to be there as you kill them. I love you kiddo. Please be safe." He said embracing me into a tight hug.

"If he does anything to you. Give him hell."He whispered into my ear, before kissing my forehead. Dunken shook hands with Tyson before following me to Tom where our ride awaited. So i thought.

Saxtons driver grabbed my by my elbow and swung me around and i landed in a familiar peer of arms that sent shivers up my spine. It made me feel so warm and happy and i looked up and was meet with those god dam sexy blue eyes that girls would drop to the floor and beg to have, He was like a god. The body of a god too.

"HEY !" Dunken yelled, He ran towards me when Saxtons guards stood infront of us. Soon the rest of my men were out of their cars and behind Dunken and pissed of.

"What the hell"I growled.

"The Queen will be driving with us."Saxtons Driver said. I tried to move out of Saxtons hold on me but he was just to strong. Fucken Queen. Stuff that shit. Its hard enough being a Luna let alone being a fucking Queen.

"Our Luna is under our protection. She always has to have one of us. With her. "Dunken growled.

"She will be safe. She will be with me and my driver. You will be following directly behind her. She will be safe. There are 50 of us in like 20 cars. I'm sure she will be absolutely fine." Taking a deep breath i knew i had to be bloody switzerland or World war 3 was going to break out "Its fine. If anything happens to me. You have my permission to kill them."I said nodding to Dunken and the rest of my men before getting into the Saxtons Black Jaguar Mercedes.

Soon enough everyone got back into their cars and Saxton got into the back seat with me as well and the Squadron of cars began to move. I watched as soldiers jumped into cars that were in front of us and behind us. They were all carrying heavy weapons that could do a lot of damage. Looking out the window, I could tell by the thickness of the glass that it was bullet proof, I was actually kind of amazed. He really does take his safety seriously.

"You need to get those men of yours under control" Saxton said putting his hand on my thigh. I rolled my eyes and turned my head to face him, i was gonna have a go at him but then i lost my thoughts in those fucking eyes, Ugh !.

"I can't control them when it comes to my safety. Its the way they have been trained ever since they were pups. They won't listen to me. When it comes to my safety. They do what they think is the best possible way to keep me safe."

"Maybe they will listen to their King."

"They have been trained and taught to keep men like you away from me. Like far away. My father always received threats from men in high power like you, that wanted me to produce a heir and a speir for them and that's it. They wanted me for my genes not because they wanted to love me. So don't be offended if Dunken tries to kill your father, As he was one of the ones that threatened to take me away from my family. For you,"

"Hey that's not fair, We all knew you were my mate. And your father kept you away from me!"Saxton growled clearly angry.

"You are like 7 years older than me !I was a 11 and people were wanting me to have babies when i hadn't even hit fucking puberty yet.!!"I growled at him.

"I Knew you were my mate! Do you have any fucken idea how hard it was being away from you. Then your parents got killed and you disappeared off of the face of the earth and no one could find you, I thought you were dead. It has been 7 years Ariel. Since i last saw you, So don't you think for a second you will be leaving my side any time soon."

"I Have Priorities !"I growled back at him "Which don't involve you.'I added.

"Stop pushing me Ariel.I MEAN IT "Saxton said growling at me, i could now tell that he was getting angry, very angry. By the looks off things the big Bad Alpha King was going to come out and pay me a visit. Fine by me as long as he is prepared for the Big bad Luna Bitch to come out too. 2 Can play at this game. He thinks he can scare me with his temper pfft he will be in for a shocker.

"Or what "I taunted. I felt him lean in closer to me and his hot breath came breathing onto my ear and some sort of weird sensation began to run through my body, Oh this is just great now there really is no place for me to run and hide too, Why did you get in the car Ariel, terrific absolutely terrific, The Big bad Alpha has now turned into a fricken Romantic and is starting to kiss my neck. Then my heart picked up its pace and my blood pressure sky rocketed, my eyes went wide and i felt the blood from face drain.

"Nice try buddy Boy."I said pushing him off of me.

"Its going to happen one day,"

"Well not today. That's one thing for certain. Oh i know why don't you go and get one of your little whores to keep you company"I growled at him, His clothes smelt like multiple women and they were your mated type women either.

"How did you?"

"You fucken wreck of whore."I growled at him.

"Ariel you have to understand-"

"Let me guess ?I have needs ??" I spat at him before i turned my body so it wasn't facing him.

"Ariel come on, I'm sorry,"

"Don't speak to me "I growled at him before i turned around and grabbed my pillow and put it on the Window and fell asleep.

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