Chapter 10

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ARIEL"I heard Jaxon screaming very loudly.

I felt myself being pushed back to the car, my legs were moving faster than ever and then a loud bang echoed through the air, i held the baby tight to my chest and then i felt the aftershock hit me and it threw me into the nearby car, I felt my head smashing against the bonnet and then everything started to go black.

Small cries were ringing through my ears i lazily pulled myself up and looked towards my men who were still all on the ground, They looked very spaced out and disoriented as much as i was.

My eyes caught the body laying at the back.My heart began to pound in complete horror. I didn't want to believe that he was dead, he wasn't moving. When i gathered my strength i got up and handed the baby to Jaxon who was already at my side and began sprinting over to the body.


"Kevin."I yelled as i ran past all of my men.

"Kevin wake up."I screamed as i reached his side he wasn't moving, A tear dropped down my face as i couldn't feel a pulse. I began to slump over on his chest, crying in absolute grief. Pushing him flat on his back i started to try revive him by doing CPR and mouth to mouth resuscitation.

"Kevin"I cried. As i began to pound his chest with my hands trying to get his heart restarted, my wolf was crying as she thought she was going to lose one of her best friends, Hell i was screaming for him to wake up. Kevin was one of my best friends and i knew that i could not lose him or anyone else i cared about.

Especially not to Henry.

"COME ON "i screamed at him. I Felt a hard rhythm coming back from his chest and i dropped all my arms and opened my arms into a large hug and wrapped them around him and cuddled him very tightly as small sobs escaped my mouth.

My eyes looked around and then i connected to a certain peer that made my blood boil and a large dangerous growl came through my chest and out of my mouth. Small whimpers of pain came from Kevin i rubbed his shoulder and then i saw the smirk from Henry in the tree lines that made me lose it i grabbed Kevin's gun and began shooting at the tree line.

"ARIEL WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE ITS ROGUE TERRITORY,"Jaxon yelled at me as him and his men were helping each of my men to a nearby car while he had the little baby girl in his arms.

I grabbed Kevin by his shoulders and began to drag him to a nearby car but we only made it halfway before the dots in my vision began to come back and i looked to my shoulder where all of the pain was throbbing in my arm.

Looking down i now saw a large black bruise where Henry had injected with me with something. Pushing around the bruise silver started to come out of the small injection whole, The urge to vomit took over me and i threw up all over the ground dropping to my knees.

I felt like real shit, I couldn't move, my body felt like it was paralyzed.It was like i couldn't even feel my body.

"Ariel,"Kevin yelled as he tried to drag his body over to mine, He was trying to get to me to see what was wrong but he couldn't move and i could barely speak. My breathing got hard and i felt myself scratching my chest.

"ARIEL" Dunken yelled.

"ARIEL" Jaxon yelled passing the baby girl to Dunken in one of the cars. I watched him and 3 of his men running towards us.


"ROGUES ROGUES ROGUES."Was all i heard before my eyes went everywhere.

"GET THEM GO GO GO GET THEM TO THE CAR!! ITS AND AMBUSH GO GO GO CALL FOR REINFORCEMENTS NOW "Jaxon yelled as he ripped my body from the ground and started sprinting towards the car. He threw me into a car and jumped in on top of me shielding me from the bullets that were spraying everywhere.

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