Chapter 3

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I sat on the kitchen bench a gun in my dislocated arm and glass of whiskey in the other, the only doctor i ever need, Thankfully i was no longer in that stupid dress and now i was in tracksuit pants and a nice baggy jersey oh and how can i forget a bullet proof vest. How attractive. It tends to be the one thing i wear the most in my wardrobe.

Soon i'll have to wear one to bed.

At least i won't be getting hassled to go out any more, Shit i'll be lucky to step outside of the house without a full blown military escort for the next month, Like hell that will be happening though.

"Luna Ariel"The pack doctor said nodding his head to me, i nodded back and took a drink of my serving alcohol that made all the pain num which was great. Pam, Tyson and Dunken all gave me the shitty look at where and why i was drinking. I went for another drink when the doctor pulled it out of my hands and put it on the other side of the bench. He also took the gun out of my hand.

"Why do you need my gun ?"

"Because Luna i don't want you to get angry because the pain of you arm being put back into place and accidentally pull the trigger and shooting me. again "

"Fair enough"

"Alpha, Dunken Kevin. You'll need to come and help hold her down"All them gently held a place on me not in a tight grip but just to make sure i was going to go anywhere or maybe attack the nice doctor of death.

"Ready on 3 " I started to prepare myself

"1, 3 " The death defying crack rattled through the kitchen and so did my groan in absolute pain, well i don't really know if it was from the pain or just the crack. Cause that crack sounding like someone's neck breaking, which usually makes me feel really sick, its like hearing someone's nails running across the black board. The one that makes everyone feel yuck.

"Ugh fuck !!"I screamed as the pain shot through my arm, aching my back, all the way back i tried to get out of the three people who were holding me down. But it wasn't really working at all if anything it was draining the little energy i had left.

After about 5 minutes, i finally gave up and they let me go. I took a deep breath in and out and then the doctor passed me a bag of peas which i placed on my check he put my left arm into a sling and then started to stitch up the cut the first rogue had given me.

"Luna you will need to keep this sling on for least a few days "

"A Day it is then"I said before i slid of the kitchen counter with my peas and swiped my gun off of the counter besides Pam, i kissed her cheek and walked upstairs heading towards my room. Entering my bedroom door i walked over to the balcony doors and stood their looking around, All of the security lights were on, i saw not only my guards but some of Tyson's warriors also posted outside.

Obviously everyone wanted to be here incase something went down in history. Like if someone did manage to kill me the snow Alpha bloodline would die and so would every alliance and promise we have made to every Alpha and pack. Some rely on those promises to keep peace with each other and some rely for Financial and some rely for their lives. I Quickly changed into some summer pjs and washed my face which was really awkward because i usually do it with my left.

I walked over to my bed and sat down looking at the picture of my parents and me brought back very painful memories and who ever keeps taking it out of my draw and onto my bedside is going to get a boot up the ass. I gently placed it back into the draw it usually is in, where the frame once was.

Was now where my gun was.According to Dunken i haven't processed my parents death and according to the doctor i am stressed out and my blood pressure is also way too high and that i have a high chance of a heart attack at such a young age. No other Alphas have such a high blood pressure, but yet i don't know how that works because i can always keep my heart beat at a normal speed but god knows. Doctor idiot knows everything.

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