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Heads up guys this story might be longer in the future. Only finished it there as i have started another book and hooked on that atm.

3 years later...

After we won the war and i got my pack back, i didn't speak to my mate for a very long time, i still don't forgive him for his betrayal. Turns out Brittaney was the spy and had been collaborating with Henry. What happened to her baby ? Well let's just say he has now gone to live with his real dad while she is living in jail for the rest of her life. Much to my dismay i didn't get to kill her.

I hunted Henry to the ends earth and killed him cold blood, Much to the council's disgust. I didn't care though over my dead body was he ever getting the chance to ever hurt anyone else ever again .

As for me and my mate, We are currently in the stage of the mating process, His mark has been on my neck ever since i went through my last heat as his bite was the only thing that was going to save me. Nothing has happened for 3 years though he hasn't dared forced anything on me nor has he gone near another women as knew i would feel it,

Looking out the window i saw my Beta Conner outside running around chasing his wife Kayla who is now my best friend. Little Ruby came running into the room and ran up and hugged me very tightly.

I Adopted her as my daughter. As her mother was dead and she had no relatives her father also died in the massacre, i knew what it was like growing up without parents so i have made sure she has had the best time possible. She knows i'm not her birth mother but i'm sort of like the only mum she has ever known.

Each year we go out on the Anniversary of the pack being taken over which is the day my parents died and then we have the day when i took back my pack. We place flowers on her family's grave and also on mine. Our pack treat them as a Celebration but also as a funeral day.

It is a reminder of what we have lost and i think we all realised that you can never ever spend too much time with those we love as they can all be taken away at a moment's notice.

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