Marcel 1

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        I wake up to the clock and turn it off. I got up to go to the bathroom. I took one step every ten seconds and got to the bathroom in four minutes when it should have been thirty seconds. I would've got there in maybe three minutes if I hadn't been bumping into stuff and if I had my glasses on to see where I'm going. Well, that and because I was taking leisurely steps.

        I've been dreading going to school ever since the second week of high school. Since I got to high school, I've been getting bullied.

        When I got out of the bathroom, there was a line formed by brothers, Harry and Edward.

        "About time, Marcel!" Edward says, annoyed.

        "Hey, little brother," Harry says to me. "Ed, leave him alone."

        "Pshh, whatever." Edward says, walking into the bathroom and locks the door. I sigh.

        "Don't let him get to you, Marcel. He's just having a bad morning, like always," I look at him. "C'mon, let's go get something to eat and leave Mr.GrumpyPants here to walk." He says, earning a giggle from me. We walk into the kitchen where there's already breakfast on the table.

        "Aw, Harry. You're the best brother ever, you know that?"

        "Yeah, I know," he says, smiling. "Now, hurry up and finish eating so we can leave Ed here." he says while putting his dishes in the sink. I chuckle as I finish up my breakfast and put my dishes in the sink.

        "Kay, I'm done."

        "Then let's go!" he says, running out the door with me right behind him. Or at least I was until I ran into the door frame.

        "OOWW!!!" I yelp.

        "Oh my gosh; Marcel are you okay?"

        " Yuppers. I'm fine. Really. I'm just being clumsy, as usual." I say as Harry helps me up. We get into the car and back out of the driveway.

        "Haz?" I ask.


        "How- how did you get so popular so fast? I mean, it's only the first month of school." I ask hesitantly. I look at him for an answer.

        "Oh, well, I don't know. I guess I just, um, I really don't know, Marc (Marc pronounced like Mars). But, it's better not to question fate, right?" he says while glancing quickly at me to hear my answer. I nod and look out the window, thinking about life's mysteries.

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