Marcel 7.5 (In 3rd persons P.O.V.)

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        When Marcel was done with his shower, he gets dressed and heads out the door. He walks in silence to Niall's house thinking about Georgia, Niall's step-sister. He found her 'crush worthy', as he puts it, during the end of primary school. Marcel makes it to Niall's house. He walks up to the door and knocks. There is no answer, so he knocks again. Still no answer. Now, what was it that Edward said to do if no one answers? Oh, yeah. Go through Ni's windows.

        Marcel goes around the house and starts to climb the house to get into Niall's house. Niall hears something climbing the side of the house, so he grabs a bat he never uses and quietly goes to the window and opens it and starts beating the crap out of whatever the heck is underneath the window.

        "OW!OW!OW! NIALL! IT'S ME! IT'S EDWARD!" Niall hears. Marcel makes sure to say Ed's name instead of his own. Niall stops hitting whatever he was hitting and looks down to see Marcel. But he thinks it's Edward.

        "Oh, crap! I'm so so so sorry, Ed. But, why... why did you come through the window?" Niall says, pulling up Marcel.

        "Nobody was answering the door." Marcel says, trying his best to sound like Edward. Apparently, he does a good job 'cause Niall didn't question it or look suspicious.

        "The door's unlocked," Niall says. "And nobody is home except for me and my father." Aaw. Georgia's not here.

        "Oh, well, you could've said something." Marcel says, keeping up with the conversation.

        "So, what are you doing here? And, why?"

        "I left early from Zayn's house twenty minutes ago 'cause Victoria was freaking me out. Then I left from my house to go to school, but it's still too early so I decided to come here." Marcel says. He's been practicing what he was gonna say, while making sure he sounds and acts like Edward. Niall nods and sits down in his chair by his desk. Marcel sighs mentally. Marcel and Niall continue talking until it's time to go to school. The hard part. Niall tells Marcel that his dad can take them to school. They walk into the kitchen and see Principal Horan eating. Then principal Horan calls Marcel Harry. He tries telling him he's Edward, but he doesn't believe it. Then Niall comes to the rescue and tells him that it really is Edward. Then they eat and leave for school.


        Marcel has been doing well in school. Nobody suspects a thing. But he has. He hasn't seen Edward at all, and it's starting to worry him. He spotts Harry and runs to him.

        "Harry...Haz," Marcel says, trying to catch his breath. "Where's Marcel? He wasn't in any of our classes."

        "He's sick. You would know that if you'd pay attention once in a while." Wow. I never knew Harry talked to him with such attitude. Marcel knows that Harry thought he was talking to Edward, but it hurt Marcel as if Harry said it to him and meant it for him. He hangs his head low and walks away to the cafeteria. Marcel grabs his food and sits alone. He knows Edward told him to sit with Edwards friends, but what Harry said to 'Edward' made him sad. Marcel stares at his food and clenches his jaw. He makes his hands into fists. And this time, he isn't trying to act Edward. He gets really mad.

        "Hey, Ed." Marcel hears. At first, he doesn't look up, then he remembers that he is acting like Edward and quickly looks up. He sees Zayn, Veronica, Liam, Leeroy, Niall, and Louis.

        "Uh, hey guys. Why aren't you with Harry like usual?" He says, acting like Edward.

        "Because Harry said he yelled at you, and that made us upset. So we came to sit with you. Is that alright, mate?" Louis asks Marcel shrugs and nods.

        "I don't really care that he yelled at me. He does that alot. It happens when I don't listen to them." Marcel says, almost forgetting to act like Edward.

        "Mate, you listen." Zayn says, and continues with, "I'll be back." He walks away toward Harry. Marcel continues to talk to everyone else. Zayn never came back. He walked out of the cafeteria to cool off.

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