Harry 12

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        "So, Marcel is back. How is he?" Liam asks.
        "Oh, he's just peachy. He's sill coughing a lot, but other than that, he's fine."
        "Well, that's great." Louis says. I nod. Then we start talking about stuff until I heard something. Something that I didn't like.
        "I'm just getting tired of you yelling at my b-Me." Marcel?
        "Well, does this look like a face that cares?" Derek. grrr.
        "Oh, so that's a face?" Oooo, Marcel's got guts. I tell Liam and Louis that I have to get to class when, actually, I'm gonna make sure that Marcel is OK. They say OK and leave. I turn around and walk to the corner of the wall and peek around slightly. I see Derek looking at Marcel with anger. I see his hands curving into a ball. Uh-oh.
        "Huh, so you think you're a comedian now. How's about I punch you face and then we'll see who's laughing now." I see his fist come up, getting ready to punch Marcel. I walk around the corner. I see Marcel trying to cover his face and crouching into his 'safe position'. I look at Derek.
        "Nobody will be anything of the sort," Derek stops in his track and looks at me. His eyes narrow at me. "Derek. Why you picking on my brother?" He slowly puts his fist down. Marcel is still in his position, but I can see that he's listening.
        "Stay out of this, Styles. Your brother here, needs to be punished."
        "Why? What did he ever do to you?" I start walking towards them.
        "First, because I can. And second, he gets in my way." Wow. That's the best he's got. Apparently, Marc thinks the same thing 'cause I can hear laughing softly. I smirk.
        "What's so funny, Nerd?" Derek says, picking up Marcel by his shirt collar about half a foot. Oh, no he didn't.
        "HEY!! PUT MY BROTHER DOWN!!!!" I say, running towards them. I punch Derek in the stomach, causing him to drop Marcel and to double over. I don't help Marcel right at that moment because I am too focused on Derek. I crawl on him and start punching his face.
         "Harry. HARRY! Stop! He's not worth it." I hear on the floor beside me. I stop and get up. But not before punching him one more time in the face and kicking him in the knees. I hear Marcel get up. He comes to me and pulls me into a hug. I instantly hug him back.
         "Marc, why didn't you tell me you were getting bullied?" I ask into his hair. He hugs me more tightly.
        "Because I knew you were going to do something like this." He says into my neck.
        "Well, that doesn't me-"
        "Ahem." We hear. We break our hug and look to where we heard the clearing of a throat. Principal Horan. Well, jaffacakes. He made his signature move to make us follow him to his office. Marcel disappeared for a while, then came back with Derek following.


         "Okay. So what happened in that hallway?" Principal Horan asks. Derek and I start talking at the same time to answer his question, getting louder with each sentence.
        "-and he always get on my nerves!"
        "-so I beat the crap out of him!" We both finish and stare at Principal Horan.
        "Okay. I see you doing this, Derek. It's just you. But you, Harry? Really? I've always trusted you to make the right decisions, and now... What am I gonna do?"
        "With all due respect, Principal Horan, I was only sticking up for my brother. You know I'm very protective over my brothers." I say, looking at Marcel. Then at Mr. Horan.
        "Yes, Harry. I understand that but-"
       "No, sir. I don't think you do." I say, getting up and walking toward Principal Horan.
       "Harry, I-" I get in his face.
       "Harvey! That is my brother that's getting bullied! Do something or I will." I got ticked. I just couldn't take it anymore. I can't stand the idea of Marcel getting bullied, even though I just learned about it. I guess because I had just learned about it, I had to explode over something and I ended up doing that over our... principal.
        "Harry Edward Styles! You will get out of my face immediately!" Yes my full name has Edwards' name in it. I jump and take a few steps away. I quickly look at Marcel and Derek, then back.
        "Sir, I'm sorry to get in your face like that. But you were not paying attention to me. You think you understand, but you don't. Niall doesn't get bullied. I know this because he tells me everything and I make sure that he does not." I say, getting angry again.
        "Well, I never said anything about Niall." He says. That's all he had to say. I stumble backwards a step or two.
        "I uh, I never knew that, Principal Horan. I-I'm sorry."
        "That's alright, Harry. No one knows. Not even my wife or my children. You three are the only ones that know. So, you best keep it to yourselves. Especially you, Derek.
        "You two may leave." he continues, gesturing at Marcel and I. Marcel gets up from his seat and waits for me by the door. I take one more look at Harvey, mouthing 'I'm sorry', then leave with Marcel in tow.

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