Niall 24

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        Right now, like every night, I was laying in my bed, face down in my pillows, crying. I still couldn't get over the fact that Marcel had changed. He freaking scares me! Georgia wants nothing to do with him, anymore. That's how bad he got. He never laid a hand on her, thank God. But, he hasn't talked to her either. He's acting worse than Edward. Which, by the way, has changed, too. In a good way, I might add. He's not that person who everybody is afraid of anymore. No, actually everybody wants to be his friend. It's Marcel whom everybody is afraid of. Like, I'm not kidding.

        So, I'm in my bed crying when I hear a knock at the door. I yell to Georgia, "GEORGIA!! GET THE DOOR, PLEASE!?!?" I hear her come out of her room and walk to the front door and open it. That's when the yelling started.

        "NO! YOU NEED TO LEAVE! I DON'T WANT THAT BRAT HERE, HARRY! NEITHER DOES NIALL! GET HIM AWAY!" I jump up and run into the living room to see Harry and Marcel in the doorway. I also see Georgia with her hand in the air, facing Marcel, about to smack him. I run up to her and grab her hand just as she was about to strike. I may be scared of Marcel, but I'm more afraid of what he'll do if she does smack him. But, he didn't do what I expected: He flinched, he stepped back, he went behind Harry like he used to when he was scared. Like when he was that amazing nerd that was my friend. He was being Marcel again.

        "Uh, um, hi, Ni." Marcel stuttered. I nod in his direction, not sure if I should speak or not.

        "Ahem?" Georgia said and shook her hand that was still in my grip in my face. I loosened my hand and she slipped her hand out, huffed at me, and walked out of the room. Fifteen seconds later, we heard her bedroom door slam closed. I sigh and look back at Harry and Marcel. They look back at me. I shuffled my feet back and forth awkwardly.

        "So, what are you doing here?" I ask. Harry spoke up.

        "Marcel has something to tell you." He stepped to the side and pushed Marcel in front of me.

        "Uh, OK. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry I've been acting like a massive jerk towards you. I knew what I doing and I know it was wrong. I just, I didn't want what used to happen to me, y'know happen again. And I promise that if you give me another chance, I'll be a better friend and I'll pay attention to you and it'll be like old times." Marcel trailed off. I sigh and take a step towards him and put my hands on his shoulders, getting him to look at me. I look him in the eyes and smile.

        "Marcel. You are my friend. And you always will be like my brother because you were the first friend I made here. Ever since you ran me over that first day, you were stuck with me. No one could replace you as my best friend. We are gonna be brothers forever and you are just gonna have to except that. I know I do." And I did. I meant what I said. Every word. I pull him into a hug, which he instantly responds to. He hugged me back so tightly that I almost lost my breath. But, I didn't care. To be honest, I didn't want to leave his grip. We stayed like that for what seemed like fifteen minutes. Then I heard Harry cough awkwardly. Marcel and I laugh quietly and let go of each other and look at Harry.

        "May I be a part of this reunion hug?" Harry asks, putting his arms up as a gesture of a hug. Marcel and I look at each other, then back at Harry. We walk up to him and pull him into our hug. "That's much better." he says, breathing into my hair. I giggle. He breathes again and I laugh a little louder. Marcel breaks the hug because Harry started tickling him and then he ends up on the floor laughing like his life depended on it. And since his laugh is so contagious, I end up beside him, laughing my guts out. Soon, Harry follows our lead and falls to the floor. When we were done laughing, we headed into the kitchen to have a snack. Harry started to make it. We were all talking to each other, catching up on things when Harry asked if Georgia was going to join us in our snack time. We instantly got silent. The only thing we heard was the small, almost silent sniff coming from Marcel. Harry and I looked at him and sighed in unison.

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