Edward 7

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         When I got home, I saw Marcel at the entrance of the living room. I wave a small wave to him and he waves back. Then he got this weird look on his face and ran towards the bathroom. Huh. I decided to go to the other bathroom to take a shower. Then I eat, and leave again to go to school. I know it's a bit early, so I go to Niall's house instead.

        When I get there, I knock on their door and wait. They don't answer, so I try again. They still don't answer. I sigh and walk around to where Niall's window is. The light is still off. I start to climb the side of his house to his room. I do this all the time. I get there and knocked on the window. I hear a small yelp from inside. Then the window opens and Niall starts to hit me with a baseball bat. A freaking baseball bat!!! He doesn't even play baseball! Neither does his family!!!

        "OW!OW!OW! NIALL! IT'S ME! IT'S EDWARD!" I yell. Niall stops and looks at me and his mouth forms an 'O' shape. Then he helps me by pulling me up by my arms.

        "Oh, crap! I'm so so so sorry, Ed. But, why... why did you come through the window?"

        "Nobody was answering the door."

        "The door's unlocked," Niall says simply. "And nobody is home except for me and my father."

        "Oh, well, you could've said something." I say from sheer dumbness. Niall gives me a look that, to me, says, 'Oh, I'm sorry. I should have told you, you idiot.'

        "So, what are you doing here? And, why?"

        "I left early from Zayn's house twenty minutes ago 'cause Victoria was freaking me out. Then I left from my house to go to school, but it's still too early so I decided to come here." Niall nods and sits down in his chair by his desk. I sit on his bed. We start talking about random things until it's about time for school. I let Niall go into his bathroom and wash up and stuff. He comes out groomed and dressed in a black polo shirt, white jeans and high tops.

        "Wanna go into the kitchen and get something to eat? Da- Principal Horan, is taking us to school so you don't have to worry about walking." he tells me. I nod and get up, signaling that I want to get something to eat. We walk into the kitchen to see Principal Horan in the kitchen, making breakfast: pancakes, sausage and bacon. Yummm.

        "Something smells good, Principal Horan." I say.

        "Harry, I always tell ya, It's Harvey when we are not in school." Umm, Harry?

        "Um, sir? It's Edward. Harry's brother."

        "Sure, whatever you say big guy."

        "Uh, dad? It really is Edward." Harvey looks at his son and back at me.

        "Oh, well, in that case, It's Mr. Horan, at least." I nodded, smirking. I guess I do look more like Harry than Marcel does. People mistake us for eachother sometimes. Just like Harry, I have no tattoos. (just pretend, yeah?) I sit down on a chair by their island(a table on the wall and built away from it). Mr. Horan finishes breakfast and serves me and Niall. We soon finish breakfast and then we all piled into Mr. Horan's car and drove off to school.


        It was already nearing lunch and not once have I seen Marcel. Not in the two classes we have together or in the halls. Finally, I spot Harry and I run over to him.

        "Harry...Haz," I say, trying to catch my breath. "Where's Marcel? He wasn't in any of our classes." I ask.

        "He's sick. You would know that if you'd pay attention once in a while." he says. Ouch. That hurt. But, he's right. I should pay attention more often.



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