Harry 5

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        I wake up to the sound of violent coughing in the bathroom along with the splashing of toilet water. I stay in bed, pretending to still be asleep. Then I hear the faucet turn on and water splashing and turn back off. The bathroom door opens and I quickly close my eyes before the person could see. But before I did, I see who came out of the bathroom: Marcel. Aww. Poor baby brother. Why is he so sick- ohhh, yeah. He ate most of the pizza last night.
        I feel the bed dip and an arm on my shoulder.
        "Haz?" shake, shake. "Harry?" Another shake until, "HARRY!" a slap to the face.
        "Oww!! Why?!" I ask, touching my face. Since when does he get violent? Unfortunately, him screaming caused him to go into a coughing fit. A violent one at that. I put my arm around his shaking body.
        "Okay, you are staying home. No questions or remarks about it. I still have to go to school because I have to retake a test that I can not miss." I put emphasis on 'can not'. Marcel just nods and lays down. "I'm gonna go make you some soup or something soft and easy to eat and warm, yeah?" He nods.
         "Erm... Ed came home a few minutes ago." I nod and go into the kitchen. I pull out noodles and chicken that was made two days ago. It's about two hours before I usually wake up so I have enough time to make homemade chicken soup: Marcel's favorite.
        After twenty minutes, the soup is done. I put some in a smallish bowl and take it to my room. I open my door only to see a sleeping Marcel without a shirt on and no blanket on him either. I put the bowl on my bedside table and go to pick up the blanket when I see something disturbing: Bruises. On Marc's body. I drop the comforter and put a hand over my mouth. What happened to my little brother? I pick up the blanket with a shaky hand and put it on Marcel, tucking him in, being careful not to touch his bruises. Unfortunately, I touched at least five of them. I know this because he flinched every time I touched one. When I'm done, I go to where his head is resting and lean down to kiss his hair.
        "Get better soon." I say. I then get up and leave the house to go to school.


        "Hey, Haz. Where's Marcel?" Niall asks when caught up to me.
        "Oh, well, he's at home. He got si-"
        "Hey, Harry. Where's Marc?" My bestest friend says. grrr.
        "Well, I was telling Niall before I was so rudely interrupted by someone." I say with a small smile.
        "Well, somebody has the time for sarcasm when they could be using that time to tell us where Marcel is." he says.
         "Well, Marcel and I ate pizza last night and this morning, the pizza went into the toilet and is now finding its way into the ocean." I look at Louis' and Nialls' faces to see pure disgust stitched into them. I have to say, it was massively funny.
        "Thanks so much for that image that I will never be able to get out of my head." Niall says. Then the bell rings. Niall and I look at each other.
        "Mr. Claiven." we both say at the same time.
        "Later, Lou," I look at Niall. "C'mon, Ni. Let's go to the devils' house." I say as we both start walking to Mr. Claiven's room.

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