Harry 16

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        I have no words as to what they just said. I cannot believe that they would do that. And not tell me!

        "Why? Why would y'all do that? And why didn't you tell me?" I ask, getting upset. Never have we kept secrets from each other. Not even Edward.

        "Well, because, I- We, um, we wanted to see what it was like to be each other. And we didn't want to tell you because we knew that you would.... get... mad." Marcel says. I just stare at both of them, like, really stare at them until Marcel looks away, uncomfortable.

        "Haz, I'm- we're sorry. We should've told you." Marcel says.

        "Marcel, Why didn't you tell me you were getting bullied first. Why did you tell Edward?"

        "So, you don't think I can listen?" Edward says, sounding like he's hurt. Oh, I didn't want him to feel that way.

        "Oh, no no no, Edward. I didn't mean it like that. I think you're a outstanding listener. You just, never always listen to us." I say, hoping that kind of take away some of the sting.

        "Oh, and maybe, the next thing I know, you'll say that I don't  care enough to help." he says, getting angry. Well,

        "I never said that?" I say, making it sound more like a question. He gives me that 'Are you freaking kidding me?!' look. Man, I hate that look.

        "Well, I do, okay? Like, who do you think got Derek in ISS? 'Cause it certainly wasn't Marcel!" Ed says. Oh, so it was him.

        "Well, I did think it was Marcel, cause 'he's' gotten so 'confident' until you bursted my bubble just now!"

        "Sorry to disappoint." Edward says, putting his hands up in mock apology. I look at him in angry surprise. He smirks.

        "Actually," Marcel starts. Edward and I look at him, surprised that he was talking after so long. "I kinda liked being Edward." He says shyly, looking down.

        "Really?" Ed and I say simultaneously.

        "Yeah. I guess acting like him made me realize that I don't have to put up with all that crap from Derek. Or anyone for that matter. I'm even thinking about getting a tattoo."

        "Huh. I never saw you as someone who would permanently ink their skin." I say, amused with this turn of conversation. Marcel just smiles and shrugs.

        For the first time, since I found out it was actually him, I look at Marcel. Like, really look at him. Dressed in Ed's clothes, the look kinda suits him. He is wearing a leather jacket, black skinny jeans, a white T-shirt, and white supras. He has his hair kinda messy, like a good messy. It's not greasy with the oil he uses to grease his hair back. He's wearing his contacts that he never used since he got them instead of his glasses. And finally, he's wearing a ring that our grandmother gave to him exactly one week before she died. We were all devastated. He never wore it because it reminded him too much of her. I guess he got over it. I decide to question him on it.

        "Hey, Marcel. You're wearing grandmommi's ring. Why?" Yeah, I call her grandmommi. I don't know why. I guess it's because I never wanted to say grandma or grandmother or even granny. But my parents said I had to choose one, so I mixed all three of them and came up with grandmommi. Marcel looks confused. I point to his hand with the ring on it. He looks down at his hand and realizes what I'm talking about.

        "Oh, um, I Just wanted to cross the bridge of facing the fact that grandma is gone, so I thought, 'Why not now, since I'm gonna pretend to be Edward?'" I smile at the thought of it.

        "I think that's amazing, the idea of it. I'm proud of you, little bro."

        "It really is, Marc." I turn to Edward in surprise. He never calls Marcel 'Marc'.

        "Now, I have a question for Edward." Marcel says, looking towards Edward. "Why did you tell off Derek when I specifically told you not to?" Edward starts laughing.

        "When.. have I ever... listened to you when you want... me to stay away... from something?" he says between laughs, getting us to start laughing too.

        When our laughter dies down, I ask, "So y'all have a crush on Veronica and Georgia?" They both look at me in surprise.

        "How did you find out?!" they ask in unison.

        "Because you both said it in your stories." I say and start laughing at their dumbstruck faces. "C'mon, let's go home." (In case you're wondering, Zayn left. Just in case I didn't say that in earlier chapters.) I say. We all put our arms around each others backs and walk to my car.

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