Marcel 17

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        After that little chat, we headed home and sat down on the couch and watched a movie together. We were laughing and just simply enjoying each other's company. We started talking about what kind of tattoo I should get.
        "I don't know. All I do know is I want something that symbolizes love."
        "Well, what about sparrows? One sparrow means undying love for you partner." Edward says. That's not such a bad idea. I look to harry for any sign of agreements.
        "That's not a bad idea." he says. I smile, wondering what I ever did to deserve such amazing brothers like them.
        "Well then, I'm getting two sparrows on my chest." I say.
        "Why two?" Harry asks. Edward looks like he was gonna ask the same thing.
        "Well, if I get two, (i'm just gonna make up this meaning) that would mean that I have undying love for two people." I smile, knowing they would ask who were the two people.
        "Oh. Well, who are those two people?" Edward asks. I smile even wider.
        "You two. You guys stood beside me when you found out I was getting bullied. Edward, you got Derek suspended. And got him put in ISS.
        "And you, Harry," I continue. "You are the best brother a guy could ask for. You both are. Harry, you stood by me when Edward would make me feel bad." I say to Harry, but I look at Ed, who looks ashamed and embarrassed.
        "When we have days like right now, sitting with each other and laughing, I would lay in bed that night, thinking what I ever did to deserve you two. I love you both. A lot." I finish, tearing up. I see that Harry has a few tears running down his face. And Edward is trying not to let his tears fall, but I can see that his face is red, the sign of him about to cry. Without warning, Edward hugs me. Harry soon follows Edward's movement. I hug them both back, not daring to let go.
        "I love you too, Marc." Edward says. I gasp. I've never heard Edward say those four words in my life. I've always said that to him and he'd just nod and say 'yeah, me too.' and walk away. But now, hearing him say that, brought fresh tears to my eyes, daring to spill over, which they do.
        We continue to hug when I hear Harry say, "I love both of y'all so much. You're the best brothers in the world." With me in the middle, Harry on the right stay like this 'till the movie ends, which had about an hour left.


        All three of us are out right now with all of our friends. We were talking and laughing about joke really lame jokes that we had told. We were laughing at them because they were extremely lame they should be illegal to tell. We had just hit the mall and the movies. Now, we are going to the park.
        "Okay I got one that my father told me yesterday." Louis says. "Why do people carry umbrellas?"
        "Why?" Niall asks.
        "Because umbrellas can't walk!" everybody started laughing.
        "That was probably the worst on yet!" Liam says, which makes us laugh even harder.
        "Yeah. What's worse is that he laughed at his own joke. My mom and I looked at him like he was crazy." He says. We laugh even harder, if that was even possible.
        We make it to the park. This park is the one that we would always go to if we had a bad day, if we needed some space, when we went for a walk, or just to come together, like we are now. Mr. Horan wasn't principal yet because he, Niall and Georgia  wasn't with us yet when we started coming here. They hadn't moved here yet. When they did, it just made it all the more special.
        "SWINGS!!!!!" Nial screams, snapping me out of my daydream of when he moved here.


        It was a quiet day. Harry and I were walking to our park.We called ours because it's pretty much just us and our friends and our brother that go there. Anyways, on our way over there, we spot a moving truck.
        "Hey I think somebody bought that house for sale." Harry says. I give him a 'ya think?' look, but he wasn't paying attention. He was too busy looking at the truck.
        "Harry, c'mon. Let's get to the park."
        "Wait. First, let's go to the house to introduce ourselves and welcome them to the neighborhood." I sigh dramatically.
        "Fine! If we must!" I say over-dramatically. Harry smiles his school-famous cheeky smile, getting me to smile back.
        "We must. C'mon! Let's go!Let's go!Let's go!" He says, taking off, leaving me to catch up. I groan. I hate running. I start jogging unil Harry yells at me to hurry my butt. I start sprinting towards him. I finally make it over. But as I'm slowing down, someone gets in front of me, making me knock them down with me falling on them in the process. I quickly get off of them, extending a hand out to them.
        "I'm so sorry! I'm such a klutz; I didn't see you!" I say. It was a boy I knocked over. He had bleached blonde hair. I could tell it was bleached because I could see brown roots. He turns to me and smiles. He has braces and blue eyes.
        "It's alright," He says with an Irish accent. "I should have looked down the sidewalk to see if anyone was running in a wild sprint before walking onto it." He says then laughs. His laugh was the most amazing thing I have ever heard. It was so contagious.  Soon, we were both laughing. Harry comes over to see what was going on.
        "Well, well, well. Looks like Marcel's got a new friend. How nice." he says and smiles. "So, what are you two laughing about?"
        "Well, Marcel here almost killed me. I walked into his running space and he knocked me over." the boy says chuckling a little.
        "Okay, so you know my name, but I still don't know yours. So what's your name, stranger?" I ask.
        "Oh! I'm sorry." he says looking down then back up quickly. "Where are my manners?"
        "You probably left them back in Ireland." I say, laughing so he knows I was joking around.
        "Yeah, probably." He says, continuing the joke. "My name is Niall Horan."
        "Horan? As in our new principal's name?" Harry asks. Niall nods. "Cool. Mine's Harry."
        "Wow. I've never met twins before." Niall says.
        "Oh, we're not twins." Harry says. I smile at Niall's confused face.
        "Yes, you are. Y'all look exactly alike." he says.
        "You didn't let him finish. We are triplets. Our other brother, Edward, is nowhere to be found at the moment. But we're not worried. He always does this." I say. Niall nods.
        "Yeah, Ed is the oldest by thirty seconds. I'm the middle one. And baby Marcel here is the youngest by a full minute!" He says. I growl at him and he jumps on me, giving me a noogie, trying to make me feel better.
        "Haz, get off! You're heavy!" I say, pushing him off, laughing in the process. Niall just looks at us and smiles. "And don't call me a baby."
        "So, what about you, Niall? Got any siblings?" Harry asks, changing the subject.
        "Actually, yeah, I do. My step-sister, Georgia and my older brother, Greg. But Greg is living with his wife and new baby, Theo." Harry and I nod.
        "Sounds cool. Can't wait to meet them." Harry says. I nod, agreeing.
        "Well, you can meet Georgia right now. Hold on. Georgia!" he yells. I see a girl, also around our age, come out of the house. She was, to me, beautiful. I didn't show it because I know Harry would embarrass me.
        "Yeah?" Georgia says.
        "Guys? This is my step-sister, Georgia Rose. Georgia, These amazing people are Harry," He points to Harry, then me. "and Marcel."
        "Oh. Hi, Harry and Marcel. Nice to meet you both. I've never met twins before."
        "We aren't twins." I say. She gets the same confused face as Niall did when we told him that.
        "But, you two look exactly the same." She says. Harry, Niall and I look at each other and start laughing. "What? What did I say?"
        "Are you sure you two aren't blood siblings?" Harry says between laughs.
        "I don't know. Maybe we were separated when we were too little to remember." Niall says, laughing to hard to understand him properly. All the while we are laughing, Georgia stares at us like we're crazy.
        "You didn't him finish." Niall says, when we were done laughing and only have small giggling fits. "There's three of them. They are triplets. The other one is Edward. He's somewhere, I'm guessing."
        "Okay, so, why were y'all laughing?" Georgia asks.
        "Because we just had this conversation with Niall." Harry says, laughing a little.
        "Ohhh." Georgia says, laughing. She has the most amazing laugh, same as Nialls', just a little better. It sounded like little bells: beautiful.
        "Well, Harry and I was just going to the park before Harry decided to come say welcome and also before I almost ran over Niall. Wanna come?" I ask.
        "Let us ask first. Come on in and meet your new principal." Niall says. We nod and follow him and Georgia into their house.


        Mr. Horan ended up saying yes and we've all been best friends since. Niall was the only one, beside Harry, that I can talk to. Georgia and I would talk a lot and I found out the next day that she had just gotten out of a terrible relationship. So, I didn't ask her out right away. Then, a couple of weeks became months, which became years. And I just never got around to that.
        "Marc! Come push me!" Niall says. I sigh and walk over to where he was. I jumps up and down and sits on the swing, getting ready for me to push him. I get behind him and start pushing.
        "You happy now?" I ask. Niall nods exaggeratedly. I laugh. There was a comfortable silence between us. The only sound was the occasional squeak of the swing.
        "Y'know," Niall began. "Georgia talks about you?" That caught my attention.
        "Oh?" I ask. (or is it say? IDK all well.) He nods.
        "Mmh-hmm. She also said that she..." He trails off.
        "She says...?" I press. He shakes his head.
        "Nah, forget it. I just remembered she told me not to tell anyone."
        "Oh, c'mon. Please tell me. You know I hate it when people start to say something and they don't finish the thought." I say.
        "Oh, alright. Just don't tell anyone. Especially Georgia." he warns.
        "Okay, I won't."
        "She also told me that she, shwloijndstoun."
        "She said that she niifnsjifhou."
        "Niall. In English, please."
        "Shesaidthatshelikesyou!" He pushed his words together. I could barely understand what he said. I processed the sentence until  I figured it out what he said: 'she said that she likes you.'
        "Really?" was all I could say, too stunned to say anything else. He laughs and nods.
        "Yeah. Wait, do you like her too?" he asks in disbelief. I nod absentmindedly. I hear him squeal. Like, actually squeals. Like a girl.
        "I knew it! Ermergerd! She's gonna be so excited! I can hardly wait to tell her!"
        "Whoa, whoa ,whoa! You're gonna tell her?"
        "Uh, yeah." he says in a 'duh' tone.
        "Nonononono. If anyone is going to tell her that I like her, it's going to me." I say with finality.
        "Alright, alright. But you gotta do it today before I do." I look at him in shock.
        "You wouldn't."
        "Try me." He challenges me. He smirks and my mouth falls open. I know that smirk. He would. I sigh in defeat and my shoulders slump.
        "Fine I'll do it before we leave."
        "No you're gonna do it in thirty-five minutes."
        "WHY?!" I scream.
        "Because we are all spending the night here in the park. Did you not see all the sleeping bags and tents and food over there?" He says, and points to the willow tree in the center of the park. My mouth forms an 'O' shape.
        "Why doesn't anyone tell me anything?" I ask to no one in general.
        "Because we planned this when you were in the loo." He says and smiles. "C'mon, let's go help set up the stuff." I nod and Niall gets off of the swings and we walk to the willow tree, where everyone was setting up the tents.
        "Stay away from the food, Niall. We need that for tonight." Zayn says. Everyone laughs.
        "Dang it! You just had to say something,Zayn. Didn't you?" Niall scowls.
        "Yup. I don't wanna starve tonight." Zayn says, smirking. A lot of smirks tonight, as far as I can tell.
        "It's OK, Niall, I'll get you something." I tell him. He perks up, not that he was ever down in the first place. "Guys, I think you put my phone in the bin. I can't find it anywhere. I'm going to have a gander." Everybody says okay and I walk to the food bin. I pretend to look for my phone. I grab two bags of chips and put them into my jacket pockets. To make it look like I was looking for it, I pulled out my phone and quickly threw into the bin, only to pull it back out. "I found it." I say and get up and walking to Niall, who was looking at me expectantly. I look around, making sure no one was looking, and pull out the bags of chips. Niall gets that look of joy and reaches for the bag. I pull it away quickly.
        "Wha- Give me the chips!" he whisper-yells.
        "No. If you grab them like that, it will make noise."
        "Oh. Well we gotta get away so we can eat them." He says. I nod, feeling like I'm on a dangerous mission: Mission Eat Our Chips. Sounds cool.
        "Okay, so, what do we do?" I ask. Niall holds up a finger, telling me that he has an idea.
        "Hey guys, I'm gonna go for a walk to the pond. Is that alright?" Everyone says okay. "Marcel," he says, loud enough for them to hear. "Do you want to come with me?"
        "Okay." I say, following his lead. He nods a 'good job' to me and winks. He starts walking towards the pond. I follow him. Once he gets there, He rips open the bag and starts downing the chips.
        "Thanks so much, Marcel. You're the best lad ever." He says between chews. It felt good to be called that, best lad ever, I mean.
        "Thanks, Ni. That means a lot."
        "I, uh, I have to tell you something." I say. He looks at me, signaling me to continue. So I do. "I was pretending to be Edward for the past few weeks while he was pretending to be me. And... I get bullied." I say, still a bit ashamed. I hear him stop chewing, so I look up.
        "I know." He says simply. I look at him quizzically.
        "Because when Edward came over to tell my father about Derek, he told him that he was really Edward and I had just came out of the kitchen when he said it. I instantly realized why you were acting a lot braver." He smiles.
        "Sorry I didn't tell you." I say, looking down again.
        "It's alright. I, kinda understand why you did it."
        "Yeah, it was sort of stupid."
        "Well, I have something that no one but Zayn knows. Sort of because he's a part of it too."
        "What is it?"
        "I... I sing." He says. I look at him. I didn't know he liked to sing. Learn something new everyday, I guess.
        "Can... can I hear you sing something? Please?" I ask. At first, his face showed reluctance, then it smoothed out and he nodded.
        "Okay. This is one of Zayn's songs. I've been helping him out with it. So, here goes nothing..." he starts to sing and I become paralyzed. He had the most amazing voice ever. I can't believe he would hide this... this talent! I continue to listen. I didn't say anything when he was done.
        "Was it that bad?" he asks, his face getting red. I shake my head.
        "No. That was... beautiful. Why would you keep that to yourself and Zayn?"
        "Because people can be mean. Like Derek. If everyone found out, I would be picked on."
        "But, we're your friends. We don't judge other friends." I say.
        "So, you think I should tell everyone?" he asks.
        "I think it's up to you. But if I were you, I wouldn't want to keep that amazing voice to myself. But, like I said, it's up to you." I say and get up. "C'mon. Let's head back. I'm sure they are done with everything and are wondering if we fell in the water." Niall chuckles. I extend a hand and he grabs it pulling himself up. We start walking back in silence.
        "I'm gonna do it."
        "Do what?"
        "I'm gonna tell them I sing. I've got nothing to lose, 'cause, like you said: They are my friends. And I know they won't make fun of me." I smile.
        "I'm proud of you, leprechaun." I say, earning a shoulder bump.
        "You know, it's been past  thirty-five minutes." he says, wiggling his eyebrows. I groan, remembering what I was supposed to do.
        "Do I have to?"
        "I could do it for you."
        "Uh, no. I'll do it." We make it to the 'camp site'. "But first, you need to tell your news first." I say, pushing him forward. He turns back to me, sticking his tongue out. I do the same and walk up to him and face everybody who was sitting around the fire.
        "Marc, what are you doing?" Niall asks. I ignore him.
        "Guys, Niall has something to tell you all." I say and him in front of me and back away.
        "Uh, um, uh, I s.... I sing." He manages to get out. I sigh, relieved he got that out. He seems even more relieved that nobody started laughing at him. No, they all started congratulating him.
        He turns back to me and mouths, 'Your turn.' I nod curtly and walk over to Georgia.
        "Hey, Georgia? Can I speak to you alone?" I ask. She looks at me and nods with a smile bright on her face. We walk away from the fire and away from the others.
        "What's up, Marcel?" She asks. I take a deep breath and speak.
        "I have always found you attractive since the day I met you. I was gonna ask you out the day after, but you told me that you had just gotten out of a bad relationship, so I waited for a few weeks. Then those weeks became months, and those months became years. So, eventually, I forgot all about asking you. Then, a few minutes ago, Niall told me that you like me. So hear I am telling you I like you. And I was wondering if you would like to go out with me sometime." I say quickly before I lost the courage to say all of it. I look at her and she looks like she's about to cry. "Oh, no. Did I come on to strong? I'm sorry. I'll just leave..." I say, my head hanging low. As I take my first step, I feel a hand grab my arm. I stop and turn around to see Georgia looking at me.
        "You didn't let me answer." she giggles.
        "Well, what was your answer?"
        "My answer is: yes. I would love to go out with you." she says, pulling me into a hug. I hug back and kiss her cheek and let my lips linger there.
        "Thanks, button, for giving me a chance." I say into her cheek.
        "No, thank you for coming out and telling me. I never would have the guts to tell you." We unlatch from each other and walk back to the fire, hand in hand. Niall spots us and our hands and smiles, giving us a thumbs up, mouthing to me, 'SCORE!' I smile and nod.

And for once, I was the only one of the three brothers who has a girlfriend.

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