Marcel 3

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        "Actually, I need to stop at my locker to get something. I'll be right there." I tell Harry. He nods to me and I head towards my locker. When I get to my locker, somebody beat me to it. Derek.
        "Umm, hey Derek. Wha-what's up?"
        "Did I say you could talk to me?" he asks and takes out his pocket knife and lunges it towards my face. I protected myself by putting my arm over my face which resulted in have a cut on my arm.
        "OW!" I yell.
        "What did I just say?! NO TALKING!!" he screams and punches my nose which started to bleed. By now, I had tears falling down my face.
        "Now, here's what you tell people who ask you what happened," I nod slightly. "You say the a door opened right when you were walking past it, okay?" I nod again.
        "What-what about the cut?" I ask quietly.
        "What!? Oh, yes. The cut. Umm, say that that was something sharp sticking out of a locker and it cut you when you walked past it. Now. If you tell anyone that I'm beating you up, you know what I'll do, right?" I nod.
        "You'll severely hurt me if not kill me." I say by memory. He's been saying that ever since he started to beat me up.
        "Exactly. Now get out of my face. You disgust me." Derek says with a sneer on his face. I walked away, my head low.
        I finally got to class and when I opened the door, everyone was looking at me. Did I really look that bad? I see harry coming towards me.
        "Marcel, what happened?" he asks. He went to touch the cut on my arm and when he did touch it, I flinch.
        "Oh, my gosh. Mr. Weisner, I'm taking him to the nurse." he doesn't wait for an answer. He takes me by my arm that has the cut and pulls me out of the room on our way to the nurse. We slow to a walk.
        "Harry, my arm." I say. he loosens his grip.
        "What happened?" he asks. 
        "A door hit my nose when I was walking past it and something sharp was, uh, jutting out of a locker and cut my arm." I say. He sighs.
        "Marc, you have to be more careful, love." I nod. "Now, how about after I take you to the nurse, We go for that ice cream and other stuff?"
        "Alright. That sounds good." I say, smiling a bit. 


        "How did this happen, sweetie?" the nurse asks. 
        "Well, while I was walking a door, it opened and knocked me in the face and that's how I got this bloody nose. My arm got cut by something sharp jutting out of a locker while I was... walking past it." I say that last part quietly. 
        "Okay, well keep that rag on your nose until it stops bleeding. Um, keep that cut clean. So, wash it about every two hours and you should be fine." She says. 
        "Alright thanks, button." I say. I see Harry smile at my nickname I give people. 
        "I'm sorry. Button?" the nurse asks. I hear Haz chuckle. 
        "It's his nickname for everybody he likes and can talk to." he explains. Her mouth forms an 'O' and smiles. 
        "Okay, then. Well, be more careful with where you're walking." I nod and wave good-bye to her and walk out towards the parking lot. A few seconds later, Harry is beside me. 
        "You ready to get that ice cream?" he asks. I nod vigorously and we walk to the car and get in and drive off. 


We had our ice cream and went shopping a little and now we are going to the movies that's built into the mall. Now, I don't know about you, but I think that is amazing!
"So, what are we gonna watch?" I ask.
"Well, I was thinking we watch Evil Dead. I hear it's amazing." (a/n Evil Dead IS THE MOST SCARIEST MOVIE EVER!!! I've been watching scary movies since I was about 3 or 4 and I would sleep peacefully. But after I saw that one I've had to watch cartoons at night before I go to bed ON WITH THE STORY)
"Okay, sounds great." I say.


"That movie was the bomb!" Harry screams. I laugh at his craziness.
"Yeah, that was a pretty great movie. But, now I'm gonna have nightmares!!" I scream playfully. He laughs at me.
"But, seriously, thanks for today. I had fun." I say. There was a comfortable silence in the car until we got home.
"ED! WE'RE HOME!!" Harry yells.
"Haz, there's a note here. it says: Bros, I left home and I'll be back tomorrow for school. Yours, Edward S.
"I guess we have the house to ourselves... PARTY!!" Harry yells.
"NO PARTY!!!!!!!" I yell. He just laughs and walks into the kitchen.
"Wanna order some pizza?!" Harry yells to me.
"Sure!" I yell back. I go to the living room and turn on the t.v.
"Yeah, I want pepperoni, sausage, olives, and extra cheese. Yeah, thanks," he hangs up. "Pizza will be here soon." he tells me. I just nod, engorged in Scooby-Doo. After the pizza came we watched a little more Scooby-Doo and messed around a little bit and fell asleep. I woke up thirty minutes later to the sound of a toilet flushing. How nice.
"Hey, Marc. Go back to sleep. Sorry I woke you."
"It's fine. Good night, Harry." I say already half asleep. 

                                       THANKS FOR READING!!!!!!                                     BYEEE MY SMEXY BUTTONS!!!!!

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