Edward 4

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        I'm still mad about them leaving me at home to walk to school. Even though it was five hours ago. I decide to text Harry.

        E-What are you doing? You left me at the house! I had to walk!!  

     H- Im fuddling my drink at lunch. And I know I left you at the house. I meant to do that.  Fuddling? 


        H-cuz you were mean to Marcel and made him sad 

      E-So that means you leave me to walk thirty minutes to school when theres twenty-five minutes left to get to class 

        H-Ummm yeah? Oh! Marcel and I won't be home after school. We r going out. 


        Well, if they won't be home, neither will I. I decide to go to Zayn's house and just hang out with them and maybe spend the night. I skip the rest of school because, well, because I can. I go home and get some stuff. After texting Zayn and asking if I could spend the night, of course. I leave a note to the boys saying that I left but that I will be at school tomorrow.

        After school let out, I wait for a few minutes before I leave to Zayn's house after picking up some food. I arrive at his house not a moment to soon. I walk up to their door and knock. I might act like I'm big and tough, but my mother raised me with some manners, at least. Zayn's sister, who is actually his twin, Veronica, answers the door.

        "Oh, hi Edward. Wait, it is Edward, right?" she says.

        "Yeah, it's me."

        "Ok. Hi, Edward. Come on in." I nod and go in. Veronica is nice and all, but she scares me sometimes. It's scary how she and Zayn look exactly alike. Shoot, if we shave her head and put the way Zayn has his hair, they'd be identical! I put my stuff in their guest room where I always sleep.

        "Where's Zayn?" I ask Veronica. She points upstairs to his room. I nod and head up there. I knock on his door and he yells 'Come in!'.

        "Hi, Zayn." I say.

        "Hey, Ed. How are things? You usually only come to spend the night here if somethings wrong at home."

        "Nah, nothing's wrong. Haz and Marc are out right now and I didn't want to be home, so..." He just nods understandingly.

        "Oh, well I just made a new song! Wanna here it?" He asks excitedly. I just nod and sit down beside him. I put the headphones on and he turns on the music. I listen for a few minutes and start to smile.

        "That's really good, Zayn." I say truthfully. He's the only one I can be around and not be my non-mean self. I guess it's just the way he stares at you when you'e lying, like he knows. He's a really good guy to be around.

        "Thanks. It's, uh, it's not finished yet but... That's most of it." His song is called little things (I know, I know) and it's about some girl who doesn't think she's perfect. But he's trying to tell her every little thing about her is perfect to him and those are the reasons why he likes her. I put the headphones back on and press resume on his computer. I continue until I hear only one voice. And it wasn't Zayn's voice.

        "Woah, is that..." I listen to it a few more seconds until I recognize the voice. "...Niall singing that part saying 'you never loved yourself half as much as I love you. and you never treat yourself right, darlin', but I want you too. and if I let you know, I'm here, for you, maybe you love yourself like I, love you, oohh'? I ask in disbelief. Zayn just nods and smiles wide. Then his smile wavers into a frown, then his mouth fell open.

        "Umm, don't tell Niall that you heard his part. He doesn't want anyone to know that he actually sings. Please don't tell anyone either. I wasn't supposed to show anyone his part of my song. He made me promise I won't. Just plea-"

        "Zayn! Calm down. I won't tell. I promise." I say He shuts his mouth and nods.

        "You know, you have a good voice." Zayn says after awhile. What? I didn't even sing. How would he know?

        "How do you know? I didn't even sing anything."

        "On the contrary, you sang Niall's part when you asked me if it was Niall's part." He smiles and I have my mouth open.

         "You need to close your mouth unless you want a bug crawling in it." That makes me close my mouth.

        "Okay, whatever. Hey, so, whose this song about?" I ask, wiggling my eyebrows at him.

        "Stop that! And it's not about anybody in particular. It's about all and any girl who doesn't love herself as she should."

        "Aww, that's nice! Anyways, what are we gonna eat? I'm starving."

        "Um, you just ate." he says.

        "How do you know?"

        "I can smell the McDouble on your breath." I just laugh and breathe on him.

        "Well, what can you say? I've got Niall's appetite now. It must be contagious." I say. He laughs and calls Veronica up.

        "Yeah?" she asks.

        "Can you order some...," he looks to me. "Pizza ok?" I nod. He turns back to Veronica. "Some pizza?"  She nods and leaves.

        "Dude, it's scary how much y'all look like each other. I'm not kidding." I say. Zayn looks at me and shakes his head, looking down.

        "KAY! PIZZA WILL BE HERE IN A LITTLE BIT!!!" Veronica yelled.

        "OK!!" We both yelled back. We started talking about random things until the pizza got here. We went downstairs and ate.

        "This, has got to be the most amazing pizza EVER!" Veronica screams. Zayn and I laugh at her.

        "Hey, guys Ima go to sleep. I promised my brothers that I'd be at school tomorrow. Night." I say, going to the guest room.

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