Marcel 11

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        I'm finally back in school. I miss it. Shocker. I went to my locker to grab my stuff and went to class which was Math with Ms. Casby. I was actually happy. Math is my best, as well as my favorite, class in school. There was only one thing that I hated about it: Derek. That was the only class I had with him. He's the reason I have below 'b' average. I can never concentrate 'cause he sends notes to me about how ugly and fat I am and he'll purposely be my lab partner or sit behind me so he could tell me that stuff to my face. I shake my head and keep walking.

        I make it to class one minute before the bell sounds. I realize that there is one person missing: Derek. I sigh an audible sigh and sit down in relief. I close my eyes for a second.

        "Hey, no sleeping in class, you gay wad." My eyes snap open. Oh, no. Not today. I turn around before I could think.

        "Listen, you twat. I'm sick and tired of your attitude against me. If you don't like me, then stay out of my way. Just LEAVE ME ALONE!" I turn back in my seat. I don't even realize that the whole class is staring at me. They look at me in surprise. I had never, in my life, raised my voice. Nor have I ever stood up to Derek. Then it struck me like a bullet. I, Marcel Styles, just stood up to my bully. And I don't feel bad about it. I actually felt good about it. I turned my head slightly to see Derek's face. He was still staring at me. But not with a smirk. No, he was staring at me in surprise, that soon turned into a frown, then into a scowl.

        Derek looks at me- No. He looks through me. Into my soul. He doesn't have to say anything for me to know that he's gonna hurt me later.

        I tune Ms. Casby out. I can't concentrate. I could feel him staring at my head with such intensity that he could probably burn a hole through my skull. I can't take anymore. I stand up to leave but, fortunately, the bell rings just I stood up. I hurry and gather my things to leave. I make it to my locker, safe and sound. After I get my stuff, I close my locker. and what was standing behind it scared the algebraic equations out of me. Huh, I guess I was paying attention in class. Derek was the one standing behind my locker door.

        "Hey. You know, you mast have a lot of guts to yell at me like that." I gulp loudly and nod slightly.

        "I'm just getting tired of you yelling at my b-Me." I say.

        "Well, does this look like a face that cares?"

        "Oh, so that's a face?" What is wrong with me? I need to shut my mouth.

        "Huh, so you think you're a comedian now. How's about I punch you face and then we'll see who's laughing now." Derek says while brings his fist up and pulls it brings it back, readying it to punch me.

        I put my hands up to protect my face until I heard, "Nobody will be anything of the sort." Harry? "Derek. Why you picking on my brother?" he asks. Oh, no no no. He can't be here. He can get hurt! Then I will definitely get killed by Derek afterword!

        "Stay out of this, Styles. Your brother here, needs to be punished."

        "Why? What did he ever do to you?" I hear Harry getting closer with every word he says.

        "First, because I can. And second, he gets in my way." Seriously, that's the best he's got? I chuckle softly. I didn't notice though, until I was pulled up off the ground by my shirt collar.

        "What's so funny, Nerd?"

        "HEY!! PUT MY BROTHER DOWN!!!!" Harry says and runs toward Derek and punches him right in the stomach. Derek doubles over and falls, dropping me in the process. Harry didn't bother with me because he was to focused on Derek. He climbs over onto him and starts to punch him in the face.

        "Harry. HARRY! Stop! He's not worth it." I yell, still on the floor. Harry stops, but not after another quick but hard punch to Derek's face and a kick to his knees. I get up and go over to Harry. I pull him into a hug. He instantly hugs me back.

         "Marc, why didn't you tell me you were getting bullied?" he asks into my hair. I hug him more tightly.

        "Because I knew you were going to do something like this." I say into his neck.

        "Well, that doesn't me-"

        "Ahem." We hear. We break our hug and look to where we heard the clearing of a throat. Principal Horan. Ah, buttons. He made a motion to us: he points to us with both hands, then points away, signaling that we have to go to his office.

        We start to follow him but I stopped and backtracked. I stand above Derek and put my hand out, telling him to take my hand so I could help him up. Hey, I may hate this guy's guts, but I will help almost anyone. He just swats my hand away and gets up on his own. I shrug my shoulders and turn on my heel. I can hear him behind me, following us to the office.


        "Okay. So what happened in that hallway?" Principal Horan asks. Harry and Derek start talking at the same time to answer his question, getting louder with each sentence.

        "-and he always get on my nerves!"

        "-so I beat the crap out of him!"

        I stayed out of the 'conversation'. Principal Horan just nods and stares at them.

        "Okay. I see you doing this, Derek. It's just you. But you, Harry? Really? I've always trusted you to make the right decisions, and now... What am I gonna do?"

        "With all due respect, Principal Horan, I was only sticking up for my brother. You know I'm very protective over my brothers." Harry says.

        "Yes, Harry. I understand that but-"

       "No, sir. I don't think you do." Harry says, getting up and walking toward Principal Horan.

       "Harry, I-" Harry gets in his face.

       "Harvey! That is my brother that's getting bullied! Do something or I will."

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