I'm not scared, Joshua.

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Tyler stood up and walked to the front of the house, I followed him as we passed the food I grabbed the bag. 

"Mom and dad are not home" 

"But it's Christmas break" I squinted due to the sun peaking again. 

"So" He shrugged looking back at me. 

We walked up the side walk and onto the front porch. Tyler opened the door, the hinges squeaked loudly.

"That is loud" 

"I know right" he chuckled. 

Once in the house, I felt warm air rush around me. Tyler turned to me, His cheeks rosy from being in the cold air. He is so cute.

"The food is cold let's heat it up?" He took the bag out of my hand. 


Please like me Tyler, you don't even know who I really am. I'm crazy.

"He won't like you Joshy" Voice number five teased.

"Little crazy boy won't find love. No l-o-v-e" five chuckled loudly.

I balled my fist up digging my nails into my skin, I clenched my jaw slightly shaking from anger. 

"Josh?." Tyler walked to me, tears filled my eyes.


"Don't call me that!" I yelled causing Tyler to jump. 

"Oh, no.. tyler" Pain filled his eyes, I reached my hand to his cheek. He turned his head away.

"Tyler no, I'm sorry" I felt anger fill my chest. I'm so dumb, I like it when he calls me Joshua. It sounds better than how anyone else says it.

"I'm so sorry" 

"Go.." His voice was weak.

"Tyler I-" he pushed me


I shook my head.

"Tyler you don't know me. please let me explain why I had that out burst please!" I held his hand. He was shaking. Oh god, I'm horrible. He is scared of me everyone is. Everyone is scared of the walking freak show Joshua Dun.

"Okay," he whimpered, not in pleasure like before but in fear.

"I'm sorry Tyler." I dropped the bag of taco bell and wrapped my arms around him. He was tense and shaking. I rubbed his back, his muscles relaxed and he stopped shaking.

"I'm crazy Tyler" I sighed 

"I am too Joshu-" He stopped himself.

"you can call me Joshua" I kissed the top of his head. "I like it when you do."

"Then why did you yell at me for calling you that.". He laid his head on my chest.

My heart stopped knowing  I have to tell him. I have to tell him what I hear, see and what I feel. I rubbed his back slowly. 

"I hear voices, I have five voices I hear... I named them voice number one, voice number two. You get it" He nodded. 

"I was hearing voice number five, I snapped at you I'm used to my mom calling me Joshua. I hate her" I hissed. 

He looked up at me and kissed my cheek.

"I have more problems I don't think you're ready to know yet You will be scared of me." His hand reached up to my cheek we looked into each other's eyes. He tilted my head down to him, His lips kissed mine slowly. I closed my eyes and kissed back. My heart raced and my stomach flipped. Tyler pulled back I opened my eyes to see him smiling softly. 

"I'm not scared, Joshua"

"That might change.."

**Sorry for late upload got busy!**

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