Chapter 1 "The Big News"

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"Hey! Hey! Hey!" you loudly exclaimed in hopes of riling up the crowd. Assuming it worked, when the loud cries came from the crowd as a response. God, you wouldn't exchange this for anything in the world. 

A wide heavenly smile spread on your face up to your eyes. 

"Hey, guys today I will be singing 'I'm Not Just a Pretty Girl.' I hope you're ready!" Your left hand swinging upwards to indicate the crowd to follow along. 

"I can swear, I can joke
I say what's on my mind
If I drink, if I smoke
I keep up with the guys"

Grazing the crowd with your heavenly voice, the voices of your fans mixed in as well, and just like that, your concert had ended. Once backstage you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. 

Picking up the phone you place it against your ear, "Hey daddy what's up?" (Decided to keep daddy in there since you guys seemed to enjoy the use of that word lmao-)

On the other line, you heard your adopted dad, Rintarou Hinata speak. "Ah hello (Y/N) I wanted to tell you that from tomorrow you will be living with your new step-brothers." 

"Is that it?" You questioned. In which he responded with " Oh yeah, your sister is already there."

"Hai?!? Already dang I guess I don't have much of a choice, I wouldn't want my precious little sister, to be alone in there I guess I will too!" You retorted with new profound confidence.

The line was silence of a second before "Did I mention there's 13 of them?" Your father said casually.

'Dang the women must have been really busy.' 

You chuckled at your own thoughts. 

"Seriously geez that many." You sighed "Well you can count that I'll be there, anyways I have another show coming up so I'm going to go now."

A small 'bye' was heard from the other line. 

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