Chapter 9 "Subaru Birthday"?

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~Your P.O.V~

Today was boring as always when to the kitchen and asked Ukyo if he needed any help he than said " umm yeah
actually can you buy these and make the cake to"

"Ok but why do we have to make a cake?" I asked confused

"It Subaru birthday today we don't normally make a fuss about each other but he is turning 20 this year"

"Ok I on it"

~After shopping~

"This bags are so heavy I bet Subaru can can carry these no problem I mean he trains everyday and on top of that he does road work to" I said with a sign

Wait I do that too whatever

Than I hear someone say

"I didn't know she noticed"

I turn around to see if anyone was there cuz I was pretty sure I heard something

And I was met one?

Whatever maybe I'm just hearing things I shrugged

Subaru P.O.V~

I when I saw (Y/N) about to turn around I was hiding

Wait what why am I hiding for anyway

Your P.O.V~

When I got home I started making the cake while everyone else was decorating for Subaru birthday

Time skip⌛️

At the end of the party I was up stairs when I heard Tsubaki said "So what do you think of our new little sister"

Than I heard Subaru said "To be honest we were started to get use to Ema and now we have other one out of nowhere she pop up she is as annoying as Ema when she first came here"

When you heard him talk about Ema like that you jumped down the railing up stairs(What can I say I can do gymnastics too)and ran to Tsubaki and Subaru and said

"I don't care if you hate me or think I am annoying just don't talk about Ema like that and next say it to my face!" And slap them

You stomp your feet up the stairs and slammed your door which cause everyone down stairs shocked

You than started to sobbing

"I heard people say that all the time by *hic* when it come from a family *hic* member it hurts"

Than I heard a knock on my door I quickly wipe me tears away and stood up and open the door it was Subaru
"I am sorry I didn't mean please forgive me"

"Its ok"

He than bowed to me which made me shocked when he and about to lifted but fell asleep on top of me he kiss
the side of my lip than Tsubaki and Azusa came.

"What the hell!!" Tsubaki yell and than pick him up

"Sorry about the kiss" Azusa said

"No it fine it not my first nor last kiss" went I said that they look shocked

"Than who was your first kiss than?" Tsubaki said with an innocent face(we all know you are not innocent)

"It was when I was modeling with this guy and we have to kiss" I said smiling sheepishly


See you next update 😊

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