Chapter 2 "A New Family"

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You absolutely could not wait until the plane landed, you were beyond excited solely just from the thought of seeing Ema again.  

                 Song above

Pulling up with a playlist you decided to start humming along with the song. 

Roughly about two hours have passed since the flight has taken off

"Please stay seated we are about to land." The man's voice can be heard assuming it was probably the pilot. You didn't put too much thought into it.

"Finally we are landing..." 

"Good just when I was started to get bored too" You spoke as you stretched your sore limbs

You had called a taxi to pick you up, deciding to get a ride rather than walking.

Once the taxi had arrived you pulled the handle and made your way into the back seat, looking to the front seat the driver was watching you expectantly for your destination. 

"Uhh excuse me can you bring me to the Sunshine resident?" You spoke a little too quickly for your liking the man didn't seem to bother with your request nor the way you spoke.

Responding with a quite 'sure' the middle-aged man was quick on stepping on the gas. 

Once you had arrived at the place you took out your purse and handed him a couple of bills, before starting to make your way towards the door 

When the man from the taxi shouted:

 "This is way too much money." You simply just smiled at him telling him that he could keep the change.

"Thank you so much call me if you ever need a ride ok!" The delighted look on his face made you happy.

"Sure." you smiled

Once the taxi had driven away you walked up the steps and knocked twice on the door. 

The moment the door opened it revealed Ema not wasting a breath you tackled her on to the floor in the process you hat fell due to the sudden action.

"Ema!!" You shouted in pure excitement, you wouldn't believe how long you wanted to see her again. 

Ema welcomed you back with a hug said softly.

"what are you doing here sis?"

Even though you weren't actually sisters, her father and her had treated you with so much love and respect.

It was then that you noticed there where other people who were presented, a red-head to be exact, along with two blondies.

You and Ema looked at one and other before bursting in laughter 

 "Wait Yuki is your sister like the Popstar/Model Yuki!" The red-headed exclaimed in shock. 

"Yep, that's me." You said while giving him a thumbs up and a wink. 

You and Ema had got up and patted your clothes clean from the dust, Ema then decided to speak "Oh! this (Y/N) some of you might already know her, she is also my sister " she says with a big smile. 

"Hi, it's nice to meet you I'm (Y/N) Hinata," You introduced with a small smile which caused their cheeks to have a taint of red on them.

 "Hello, it's an honor to have such a beautiful girl to be my sister." A deeper voice spoke, it was coming from the blond man in a traditional outfit. You guess he was a monk and no it wasn't the bald ones. After finishing the sentence he took a hold of your hand, his lips brushing against it. His lips were extremely smooth you thought he probably wore those cherry lipsticks, you sniffed a laugh at the thought.

After the compliment had sunk in, your face immediately took a change of color quickly, as you stuttered out a small 'I wish' laughing it off as the three brothers looked at you oddly, at your statement. 

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