Chapter 17"Pictures"

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Your P.O.V

Me,Yusuke and Ema came home from school I was currently with Ema look at the pictures she took on Subaru birthday and the ones like when me and him were playing basketball together and won.

She also had some of the guys when they were younger it was late around 2:00am it was ok because today was Friday.

Me and Ema just finished printed the last picture

"Hey Nee-chan you can go sleep I will put the pictures in for you" I say

"Are you sure?" Ema asked a little unsure

I smile at her and said "yeah you look tired anyways so go"

She smile sweetly "I'm so lucky to have a great sister like you (Y/N)-chan"

"Not as great as you Nee-chan" I said

I watch her go up stairs and than I put my focus on the pictures again I put Azusa picture in the next page and heard "You sure are treating that picture with care" a little surprised I jumped a little and turned around to see Tsubaki "oh it just you Tsubaki you scared me" I said and sign in relief

Out of nowhere he push me to a wall and kiss me with lust and needed I quickly move away from the wall and he took a step toward and I took one back this continue until I hit the couch Tsubaki walk toward me and pinned me on the couch and kiss me again

This time one of hands went down to my left breast and started to grope them I let out a quiet moan and I could feel Tsubaki smirk in the kiss

Tsubaki P.O.V

(Y/N)-chan let out a small and quite moan and I smirked and moved my hand under her black tank top and make my way up to her left breast again but before I could to anything else I felt someone grab my shoulder and pull me off (Y/N)

I turned around and faced Azusa

Your P.O.V

Azusa pull Tsubaki off me

I mentally thanked him

They started to bicker than Tsubaki stormed out and went to his room

Me and Azusa stay still

"You should go to your room seeing you like this I might not be able to control myself" Azusa said

I quickly got up and got the pictures and headed to my room

Once I was in my room I lock the door and slid down the door and touch my lips where Tsubaki kissed me

I put the pictures on the table near my bed and and went to my bed once my head hit the pillow I was out cold

Next morning I told Ema that I finish half of it and she said it was okay and that she could do the rest I felt guilty

And said sorry to her

Her eyes softened and said it ok it was really late

I said ok

Sorry for the late update I am so sorry but anyways I hope you like this chapter bye for now my little readers love~ Author 😘

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