Chapter 19 "Ouran High School Huh?"

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Your P.O.V

I just got a letter from Ouran high school saying that I'm smart enough to get in with a scholarship

I called Dad and ask him what to do he says that I should go since that was number one school in Japan and that he was proud of me

And of course I end up taking the offer but I'm kind of sad that I won't be with Ema and Yusuke anymore (fuck fuuto jkjkjk

_Tïmë Skïp_

I told everyone at dinner they were all happy for me well expected Fuuto he was mad for an unknown reason

The next day was a Saturday and I have nothing to do

I look outside and saw that my uniform came

I ordered both of the genders just in case the girl's one look weird and of course I right those things are absolutely hideous (I'm not kidding those things are H-I-D-E-O-U-S WARNING kids DONT WEAR )

~Time Skip to school day~

Time to get ready I tied my hair in a low ponytail (like how anime guys with long hair do it)

Once I finished putting on my uniform I went down stairs it seem like nobody's awake I guess I could make breakfast for them to I made pancakes and rice balls for Ema,Yusuke and me for lunch I put notes telling them that it's is for them

I exited the house and began walking to Ouran when I reach the school i-it's s-so PINK I mean it looks like some threw up the color pink on the school I'm serious it's to pink I Mentally grown when I saw how pink it's

Just as I was about to head toward the chairman office when I was suddenly blocked by a huge crowd of girls

They started whispering though I caught some of it

I looked at one of the girls she...well fainted with a nosebleed

'Huh am I really that fabulous... ha of course I am'

See u next time

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