Chapter 7 "Are You Ok?"

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~Your P.O.V~

It been four days since that day and I have been showing up after school to get beaten up.

Masaomi and the others are starting to get suspicious with me I don't want to tell them that I am being bullied

I went to the back of the school and wait for them to come.

Then i saw them walk here than they started to beat me again and again it like it's endless.

Little did I know someone was watching me get beat up.

~Yusuke P.O.V~

I followed (Y/N) today because she been coming home with bruises and marks all over her body all some
because the others told me so to.

What I saw was just (Y/N) waiting for someone..

Than I saw three girl beating up my sister and calling her names and kicking her yet she just let them beat
her up I was about stop it when I heard (Y/N) said something.

She said "You promise that you wouldn't beat up my sister right than I will come everyday just don't hurt
my family.

What I heard shocked me than one of the girls said..

"Good girl don't forget to stay away from Fuuto I mean that what got you in this mess to began with haha ok?"

It is Fuuto fault that (Y/N) is getting beat up I am going to kill him.

Than I couldn't stand it anymore I yelled at the girls and started running away leaving...

(Y/N) laying unconscious on the floor I quickly pick her up and brought her home.

I went to the living room and saw all thirteen brothers and Ema

They all started to staring at me than they look at sis

They asked me what happened to her I started explaining everything I saw and what I heard.

Ema look like she was about to cry

I than look at Fuuto he was speechless I know it not his fault but I am just mad about happened to sis

"So for six days she getting beat up and lying about it to?" Masaomi said


A couple of minutes passed and (Y/N) started to wake up

Than she started apologizing over and over and sorry for making you guys worried.

Next chapter I will make it happier ok :)

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