Chapter 25 "Cherry Blossom Picnic Part II"

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Outfit 👆

~3rd Person POV~

Ema, and (Y/N) "Ah, Natsume," Azusa said upon seeing his triplet. "Nakkun, welcome!" Wataru cheerfully greeted

"Took you a while to get here," Masaomi commented calmly.

"Welcome, Natsume-san," Ema greeted as well

Natsume glanced at Tsubaki as he seated himself on the picnic blanket the others had laid out,

"You guys are pretty far gone already. It looks like you would've done fine without me."

Natsume looked at the still laughing (Y/N) drowning Azusa out as he spoke and smiled a little

He watched as she soon calmed down and saw her eyes brighten slightly when she spotted him. "Yo, Natsume! Nice to see you made it," she said with a smile

"Oh, let me pour you some beer" The third triplet's eyes watched the (H/C) girl as she took a cup and poured some of the orange liquid into it

"Here you go." "Thank you," Natsume said, taking the cup

He took a sip and looked up when
(Y/N) lifted a Tupperware box with karaage inside it

"Try this. I'm not going to lie here, everything else here was store-bought," Y/n said. Wataru smiled and bounced from his spot,

"Nee-chans made the karaage fried chicken!" Natsume raised an eyebrow and took one piece of chicken

He could somewhat feel the intense stare coming from the female sitting in front of him

"What are you looking at me like you're worried about something? It's good." Natsume said

looking away from (Y/N) He was a bit confused when (Y/N) just laughed and he looked back at her

"Oh, I just want to know if you like it or not so if you did like it I have to share or if you didn't I could eat all the chicken myself. I guess I'll have to share." (Y/N) said with a cheeky grin on her face,

"Gotta looooove food fooooodddd." She sang


"They drink like fucking monsters,"
(Y/N) muttered as she climbed up the steps. "I swear we had so many fucking bottles earlier." Y/n kept on mumbling to herself, stopping once she heard a familiar voice

"You're... Alone?" The (H/C) haired girl looked up and stared at the person in front of her blankly

"...Why the fuck are you so fucking tall?"


Subaru could only stare at the female in front of him in confusion as she shook her head.

"We ran out of drinks. I'm going to buy some more," Y/n said, waving around a black wallet. Subaru stared at Y/n's face for a moment before turning around, "I'll help."

"What the...?" Y/n muttered as she watched Subaru walk away

Y/n shrugged and sprinted after the ravenette, slowing down and matching his pace once she's next to him

She looked up at the ravenette and attempted to start a conversation.

"Aren't you tired from practice?" "I figured you could use a hand," he replied

"Nyeh, did you forget I'm a gang leader" Y/n said, a little miffed

"I'm sure you are. Come to think of it, where's that little guy? The one that's always with you."

"Oh, do you mean Juli? Well, he... Let's just say he ate the wrong thing," Y/n said with a chuckle escaping her lips. 

~Yet another timeskip~ 

The both of them had bought the drinks and are now heading back to the group

(Y/N) felt awkward and useless as Subaru carried two large plastic bags with three bottles of drinks in each bag

"Uh... Are they heavy?" Y/n awkwardly asked, pointing to the plastic bags

"No."  "Do you want me to help?"  All that she received is another short and curt 'no need' from the tall male

She sighed and went to snatch one plastic bag away from Subaru, carrying it with no problem whatsoever

"What the? I told you that they're not heavy," Subaru said, reaching out to take the bag again

Y/n moved out of his reach with a light chuckle and rolled her eyes

Silence soon fell upon them. It was not awkward, no, but it's not comfortable either

Just... Neutral. A little mix of both. The silence went for a couple of minutes until (Y/N) broke it

"What's up you look like you have something to say?" (Y/N) asked as she absentmindedly played with her wallet. 

"My next game... Come see me, okay?" Subaru said, looking forward, not daring to look at the female next to him. 

"Uh... Sure why not but why me?" 

"I... I want to win in front of you."  "Alright then, I'll be there. Show me your best moves and if you win we can play other match?"

  "Of course."  Another wave of silence came again.

However, this one has a more calm and serene atmosphere and the silence is maintained until they reach the others.

Yeah, once they reach the group, a very drunk group

Tsubaki is clinging to his twin and the youngest triplet just watched the white-haired male unamused as he tried to get the orange-haired male to drink more

  "Oh, Subaru!" Masaomi exclaimed as he caught sight of the two.  Tsubaki saw the two and drunkenly asked out,

"Eh~? Why are you two here together? Is it really a coincidence?" Tsubaki said in an annoyance laced his words

Subaru than said "hey wait where's Wataru"

Natsume than spotted Wataru leaning toward the pond saying "Mr.Duck, here!"

"Here Here Here Here Here Here!"

But he wasn't the only one who saw that (Y/N) spotted that to so without realizing that both of them got up and started running toward the boy

When suddenly Wataru fell backwards causing both (Y/N) and Natsume to fall into the pond causing a huge splash

Tsubaki was helping both (Y/N) and Natsume out of the pond

"Why did you fall into the pond?" Wataru said confuse

"Big brother Natsume and (Y/N) likes to swim" Tsubaki said while smiling


"Yep look" Tsubaki said than suddenly let go of both of their hands causing another big splash than started laughing

"Silly Nee-chan silly Natsume-nii you'll catch a cold if you stay any longer"

Let's say Tsubaki was near death

Ok see u guys in the next chapter bai

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