Chapter 12 "School Festival"

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Your P.O.V~

Today was the school festival and couldn't wait


You didn't care about Yusuke he can walk by himself

"Hey what about me!" It was like on que he show up

"Oh you can walk by yourself you got legs right than use them!" I said with a smirk

"Why you-" Yusuke was cut of by Ema

"sorry I was taking so long (F/N)-Chan"

"It's ok let's go" I said pointing to the door

"What about Yusuke?" She asked

"He can walk by himself" I stated coldly

Before she could say anything else I dragged her out the door

When we arrived at school we waited for Yusuke because Ema felt bad for leaving him

Than we saw Yusuke walking up to where we were standing

"Ok he here lets go" I said

"Ok" Ema said happily

When we open the door we were immediately greeted by one of our classmates shoveling two costumes to our face

"Here wear this" A girl voice answer happily

He looked at it in confusion it was a maids costume....

"Uhh why are we wearing this I thought we were going to do a Butler's café?" I asked in confusion

"Most of the guys bail out at the last minute" she replied

"Finnne" I said lazily

When I walked out of the change room all of the boys and some girls had their mouth dropped wide open

"Close your mouth guys you do you want flies to fly in" I said chuckling a little

By the way that is what you are wearing only

Yusuke face was bright red and his mouth was just hanging down

I laughed at this

He then immediately close his mouth

We were working and A lot of people were already inside

After about 30 minutes

"Shit" I said aloud but not loud enough for people hear

But then one of my friends heard and said "what happened"

"I just remembered that I have to play a song in 30 minutes" I said clearly frustrated

Her eyes widen a bit and said "oh my god hurry up you got to go!" She said yelling like a mad woman

See u next update and sorry I have not been updating I been busy with school.And again sorry.

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