Chapter 31 "Back to School..."

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Your POV

I had arrived at Ouran high school about

twenty minutes early getting off your motorcycle you parked the vehicle

Walking inside the school you find your locker opening it and know it had slipped out bending down to pick it up

Dear (Y/N)

Please accept my deepest apologies for my mistake and on the behalf of the host club in regard to threats and trying of hurt you

It was not my intention to create such an ridiculous and unnecessary situation for you.

If there was any good that came out of this unfortunate experience, it is that I have grown and learned alternative approaches to these situations.

Please come by the host club for me to apologize face to face.

Sincerely, Host club Vic President

I scoffed wasn't he the one who threatened me

Accepting their apology I make my way towards the host club

Once I stood in front of the doors I opened it

Rose petals flew out the door one of the petals managed o get in my eye


Finally get it out I notice everyone stared at me while sweat dropping

Once I step in side two of guys their walked slowly towards me getting night a little bit freaked out I backed away unaware of that $1.7 billion Tea set was behind me

I had not noticed the smirks of everyone in the room as the twins came closer to me

Then suddenly I bumped into a table causing it to fall and shatter then the dude with the glasses walked towords me

"That tea set right there is 1.7 billion" e sad then paused "do you have the money for this" I stared at him

'I only have like a couple millions Shit'
I thought

"I don't have the money now so can you wait a while before I pay you back" I said as I bowed towards them

"That's unnecessary you can join the host club to paid off your debt to us" glasses dude said

"Ok sure" I said I didn't really care and besides this group seems pretty...interesting

So begins my new adventure with these boys plus Haruhi

ⒻⓄⓇⒼⒾⓋⒺ ⓜⒺ ⓈⒺⒺ ' ⓈⓄⓇⓇⓎ ⒽⒶⓋⒺⓃ' ⒷⒺⒺⓃ ⓊⓅⒹⒶⓉⒾⓃⒼ ⓁⒶⓉⒺⓁⓎ ' ⓈⓄⓇⓇⓎ (;'Д') (that face is a little creepy

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