Chapter 22 "A Blonde Asshole"

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Your POV

As we walked down the halls I just realized that I never got her name

"So this kinda slipped my mind but what's your name" I said laughing sheepishly

"Oh my name is Haruhi Fujioka but you can just call me Haruhi" she said with a closed eyed smile

"Oh well my name is (Y/N) (L/N) but just call me (Y/N)" I said giving her a small smile

"Oh look we're here" Haruhi said

I looked up and saw music room 3 huh interesting

We push though the doors and was immediately hit with rose petals

Me being the unlucky person I'm I got a rose petal in my eye

Wtf I though I blinked a couple of time to get the petal out

When I got my vision back I look and saw guys with flowers blooming around them

First of all what the actual fuck those boys or growing flowers

The tall blond one with the idiotic face speaker up "hello peasant I did not know you type of people would like guys"

Oh no he didn't just called me a billionaire a peasant ( it auto correct to peanut I honestly snorted)

"Excuse me blond bitch but did you just called me a peasant" I said calmly

"Yes! peasant that what I said" he said were doing a dramatic pose

What the fuck where did the spotlight come from

"For your information I am one of the richest person alive" I said with a smirk

"All right commoner what is your type"

Did he just ignore what I just said what a bitch

"Are you into the mysterious type or the silent type" he said as he spin a rounder to three other boys"

(I'm skipping the this part bai bitches jk you guys are amazing 😉)

"First of all I'm here because this nice girl over here asked me too so shut your fucking mouth" I said to the blond bitch (I'm sorry if this offenses anyone

Sorry for the short chapter see u soon my little readers

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