Chapter 28 "My Wedding Part 1"

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I'm  trying to update
as much as possible and as you know summer is coming up so I would have plenty of time to update so please do understand that I'm trying to update as much as possible thanks

Your P.O.V~


My phone rang I looked at the caller ID it was my boss

I quickly pick up the phone

"Hello Mr.Grey what do you need" I asked

"Hello miss (Y/N) sorry for the last notice but you have a photo shot to go to today at 2:30 pm"

"Ok Mr. Grey is on my way now thanks for the heads up and it's no problem not all" I said as I pick up my motorcycle keys and left the house

I end the call and got on the motorcycle and started riding there in full speed

The people that worked there said the photo shot is a wedding theme and I'm the bride and the grooms where all different people

I got a text for Ema I opened the text

(Y/N)-nii where are you me and our brothers are worried that something horrible has happen to you please call back if you see this text - Ema

I when though my contacts and found Ema's number after a couple ring she picked up

"Hello (Y/N)-nii where are you"

"Oh I'm taking photos with my groom for the wedding Ema no need to worry" I said knowing full well that Ema knows that this is not a real wedding

But little did I know that I was on speaker and all my brothers were there

"Bye Ema see you soon my cute little sister"

{With them}

"Huh!!??" All the brother yelled yes even Futto

"What she's getting married" Futto yelled clearly mad

Ema decide that she wasn't going to tell them that she wasn't actually getting married

Everyone was in a rush to leave to see who was  the person that was going to marry their little sister course not without Ema

All the brothers were jealous that she was getting married with some that was not them

[Back with you]

It was the first photo I was going to take this photo along long dress that was laced on the top and the bottom of the dress

It was the first photo I was going to take this photo along long dress that was laced on the top and the bottom of the dress

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The person that I was taking the picture with was......

To be continued

See you guys soon
sry for the wait
And follow me on instagram __hisoka_morrow__
Where you can find some
of my art work
Sorry again for making
you guys wait again

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