Chapter 4 "A New School"

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Today I am starting at the same school as Ema,Yusuke and Fuuto.

I also decided to go with Fuuto to go to school when we arrived Fuuto got out and ever girl started to surround

When you got out you were wearing a hoodie so no sees your face you could hear them whispering about you

Girl 1 "tch who is she and why is she with Fuuto?"

Girl 2 "I bet she is a slut"

Girl 3 "Yeah your right I bet that she sleeps with every man she sees"

Girl 4 "Why is she covering her face?"

I listened to them as they continued to spout nonsense. They really think that I was that pathetic, 'I heard worst.'

~Fuuto P.O.V~

Hearing them speak about my older sister like that make my enraged

Girl 2 "What a bitch"

Girl 1 "Why is she with Fuuto damn slut"

I looked at (y/n) she didn't look too bothered, who am I kidding she's an idol too 

~Your P.O.V~

I look at the time it was almost time for class I rinse my face and quickly wipe the tears away

I went to my classroom I saw Ema and Yusuke in my classroom I was happy that I was in the same
classroom as them.

Then the bells rang

Which cause everyone to go back to there seat I wait for the teacher to come and when I saw him I put my
hoodie down and told him that I just transferred here he told me to wait until he says to come in I nod.

The teacher said, "Good morning class today I have a new transfer student."

I hear someone whispering  "is it a boy or is it a girl?"

The teacher then said "come in"

When I walked in I saw everyone they were so shocked they couldn't say anything.

"Hello I'm (Y/N) Hinata" I introduced myself while giving the cutest smile I could this cause all the boys to
blushing like crazy.

The teacher then says "Do you have any questions for miss (Y/N)?"

Most of the students in the class raises their hands.

Boy 1 "Can I get your autograph?"

Boy 2 "Me to"

Boy 3 "same"


Girl 1 "Can I be your friend?"


Girl 2 "Me to"


Boy 4 "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No I don't."

Boy 1 "Can I be your boyfriend?"

"Sorry but I am not looking for a relationship yet."

The teacher "ok that is enough questions"

I hope you enjoy it my readers

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