Chapter 15 "Getting My Baby"

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Your P.O.V~

I am so excited to show my baby to Ema

"Ema!!" I stout

"Yea (Y/N" I said popping her head from the kitchen

"Let's go I want to show you something let's go" I said while grabbing her arm but was interrupted by...

"Uhhh!! Yusuke what do you want?" I asked clearly annoyed

"Can I see what you are going to show Ema?" Yusuke said with a hint of hope

"Sure whatever"

"What is it anyway" he asked

"Oh it's my baby"

This caught the attention of my brothers they all look up from what they were reading

Boys P.O.V-

'Who is her 'baby' she is mine'

Your P.O.V~

Some of my brothers asked if they can come see to

Yes I get to show off my new 'baby'

We when outside I showed them my baby

"Where" most of my brothers asked

I point to my motorcycle I was smiling like a crazy person Ema smiled cause she knew how much I wanted one

Please tell me which one u pick and the one with the most votes wins

Please tell me which one u pick and the one with the most votes wins

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When they saw my baby they all signed in relief

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When they saw my baby they all signed in relief

Wait relief??

Whatever than I hear Tsubaki said "Do you know how to ride it"

"No I drag it around with me OF COURSE I DO!"

"Can I ride it with you" Most of the boys asked

"Sure when I have time ok" I say not caring

Sorry for not updating a lot I have so many tests so I have been studying 😔

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