Chapter 5 "Classmates"

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~Your P.O.V~

Teacher "Where do you want to sit?"

I looked around the room...

Than I pointed to A empty seat next to Yusuke

"There" I said while smiling a little bit.

When Yusuke saw me pointing to him he almost fell out of his seat.

Than Yusuke asked confuse "Why me?"

"Because I like you!"

As I said that I saw some of the boys glaring at him and others look disappointed.

Than I saw Yusuke face turn as red as a tomato.

Teacher "ok now go sit down and let start class"

Everyone "ok"

It so boring I already learned all of this "sign~"

Teacher "(Y/N) come and solve this formula"

"Ok" I got and walked straight to the board and start writing the answer when I was done I fill the whole
board up I also put possible answers to.

The whole class stared at the board which shocked the teacher was also shocked than I explain my answer and
how I got it.

Than I went back to my seat

Yusuke than asked "how did you finish so fast (Y/N)?"

I said "I already learned this so it really easy for me"

He than said "oh that why"

The rest of class was boring as hell.

I swear I thought I was going to die from boredom.

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