Chapter 27 "Secret Anime Part II"

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I pulled out my phone from my pocket and raised an eyebrow when I saw whoever texted me. "Fuuto? Why the heck is he texting me?" Juli leaned forward and took a peek at my phone's screen, saying, "That twisted pop star, huh?" "Apparently so." I said as I pressed his text message. From: Fuuto For: (Y/n) Title: Taping year-end special. The taping for the year-end special is running late, so I'll be staying overnight today. Once I have time, lets watch another movie together, my beautiful onee-san. "Tch...That idiot." I grumbled as Juli hissed at the screen. "So, what did Fuuto say?" Ukyo asked. "Hmm.. It seems that his taping session is running late, so he'll be staying overnight today." I replied, smiling as I locked my phone. "I see." Then, my phone rang and my ringtone filled the kitchen. 'Welcome to the Asahina Family!' I clicked my tongue and hastily answered the call as Juli muttered, "Now its a phone call! Who is it?" Shushing him, I spoke to the receiver, "Hello?" "Hello, imouto-chan?" "...Kaname." Juli immediately hissed at the phone, "That depraved monk, huh?!" I mentally agreed with Juli before listening to the speaker. "I was planning on having dinner with you tonight, but I've got stuck with having to go eat with a patron." "Oh." "That's cold, don't you think? What I'd really like is for you to say 'Aww'!'" I scoffed and was about to reply, 'no way in hell!' buuutt...Juli snatched my phone and began scolding Kaname, not that the monk can understand anything, though. "You damn degenerate monk! Stay in your temple and don't come out!" Then, he proceeded to end the call with a huff. I was laughing the whole time Juli was scolding Kaname. It was hilarious. "Ahahahaha~ You hung up on him! Ahaha..." Soon after I stopped laughing, my ringtone filled the air once more. "That bastard doesn't know when to stop!" Juli angrily said before I snatched the phone out of his paws. I shushed him again and answered the phone. "Uh..Hello?" "It's me." "Masaomi-san? What's up?" Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ukyo's eye twitch and I then heard Juli speak. "That seemingly harmless oldest son, huh? But he's a damn scoundrel, calling (N/n)-chii directly!" I rolled my eyes and began listening as the doctor spoke. "So, hey, I have a patient that took turn for the worst, so I can't come home." Frowning, I answered, "But didn't you spend the night there yesterday as well? Will you be okay?" "I'm going to be fine. I'll be going now." I clicked my tongue as the line went dead. Then, I turned to Ukyo as I tuck my phone away inside my pocket. "Seems like Masaomi-san will be staying at the hospital again today." "I see. But...why are they all calling your cell phone?" "Eh..." "Such calls had used to come to me, so..." Ukyo trailed off, looking sad. "Well-" "Then, I will leave the rest to you." He said before starting to walk away. Though, I quickly stopped him by calling his name. I quickly spoke when he stopped and turned around to face me on the stairs. "Ukyo! I just wanted you to know that I think you are irreplaceable. So don't look so down in the dumps, yeah?" A shocked expression emerged on Ukyo's face before his face brightened and he smiled. He nodded before proceeding to go up, passing Subaru who was coming down. Subaru glanced at Ukyo before looking down me with a smile. "I'm home." "Welcome back, bro!" He stepped down the stairs and stopped in front of me. Then, he asked me a question although he couldn't maintain eye-contact with me. "H-hey, where is everybody else?" I rolled my eyes when I heard Juli hissing on my shoulder and shrugged, answering, "Seems like everyone is coming home late today. Meh." Then, I looked up and did a shooing motion while walking into the kitchen. "Now, shoo. Sit down while I get dinner ready." "A-alright. T-thanks." A couple of minutes later, I walk out of the kitchen with two plates of curry rice and two spoons. I place one plate and spoon in front of Subaru before walking over to the other side of the table and putting down down with my own food. I returned to the kitchen to fetch two glasses of water and handed one to Subaru before I finally sat down. Juli hopped off my shoulder to sniff at the food, humming in content soon after. Mumbling a quick 'itadakimasu', I immediately scarfed down my meal, my spoon clinking against the plate. I glanced at Subaru when I heard fast clinks from his plate. I noticed that he ate really fast, finishing the food in no time. After he gulped down all the water from his glass, he stood up abruptly. "Thanks for the food," He hurriedly said, walking away from the table. I gave him a thumbs up before proceeding to gobble up what is left on my plate. "Restless sort of guy, isn't he?" Juli muttered, watching the male walk away. Stuffing the last bit of food in my mouth, I shrugged. Sighing in satisfaction, I reached for my glass and lifted it to my lips but stopped when I saw Subaru stop walking. I took a sip and placed my glass down as Subaru turned around to face me. "Right now, I've been dropped from the starting line-up and I'm not in any games, but I'll get back to the regular line-up for sure, so... When I do, I want you to come and see me play." He said, looking bashfully to the side and turning to walk away again. "Tch, you better get back to the regular line-up or I'll slam-dunk your ass to the sun!" I grumbled out loud once Subaru is out of ear-shot. Beside me, I could feel Juli fuming, "Does he...seriously think of you as..." I heard him trail off and get even angrier. I sighed and pet him to calm him down. "Hush now, Juli. Anyways, I think I heard Ema coming home." I calmly said, hearing the faint voice of Ema. I smiled when I saw Ema walk in the dining room with a couple of shopping bags in her hands. Juli immediately ran over to her. "Chii! How's your shopping? Did you meet any of those wolves? Did anything happen?" Ema giggled and put down her bags to pet Juli, who was looking at her from the table. I chuckled and stood up to collect the dirty dishes before walking back to the kitchen. I walked back out to the dining room with a plate of food for Ema and I placed it in front of the seated girl. "Here ya go, Ema." The said girl smiled up at me, "Thanks, (Y/n)-chan." I smiled back at her and sat opposite from where she sat on the table. I pet Juli while watching Ema eat and hummed when I remembered something. Averting my eyes to Ema, I said to her," Hey, Ema, tomorrow I am going to visit the kids in the orphanage. Do you wanna come with?" Ema looked up from her plate and nodded with a smile. "Sure!" ~Next Morning~ "EMAAAA! EMA....EMA! WHERE YOU AT?!" I yelled, running around the house. "EMA! Arghh where is she?!" I eventually ran to the dining room, huffing at the confused looks I got from the two brothers inside. "Masaomi-san! Wataru! Have you seen Ema?" A blink was given by the two brothers who were eating breakfast. "Ema? Oh, she went to go grocery shopping earlier." Masaomi said, Wataru nodding to the statement. My eye twitched. "WHAT?!"

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